The easiest way to use the Web DataWindow in your Web applications is to do the following:
Create a new DataWindow object or select an existing DataWindow object that you want to display in a Web browser.
For information, see “Designing DataWindow objects for the Web DataWindow”.
Create a new ASP.NET application in Visual Studio.
Drag a WebDataWindowControl from the Toolbox to a Web form page.
Using drag-and-drop adds references to the .NET components required by the WebDataWindowControl automatically. If you do not use drag-and-drop, open the Visual Studio Solution Explorer and add references to the DataWindow.dll, DataWindowInterop.dll, and WebDataWindow.dll files in the DataWindow .NET 2.5 directory to your project.
In the Properties window for the WebDataWindowControl, specify the LibraryList, DataWindowObject, and RenderFormat properties.
See “XML, XHTML, and HTML formats” for features supported with each rendering format.
(Optional) Specify additional properties for the WebDataWindowControl.
See “WebDataWindowControl properties” for a list of properties.
Add a transaction object to the form, specify connection properties, and connect to a database.
Associate the transaction with the WebDataWindowControl and use the Retrieve method to retrieve data into the control.
For a simple example, see “Adding a WebDataWindowControl to a Web form”.