You can deploy a Windows application by simply copying the contents of your project’s bin\Release directory to the user’s computer. To make sure that all the files you need are in the bin directory, right-click on a DataWindowControl and select Prepare for Deployment from the pop-up menu. You can also open the Prepare for Deployment dialog box by clicking the link at the bottom of the Properties window for a DataWindowControl.
To prepare an application for deployment by copying
In the Prepare for Deployment dialog box, select the database interface your application uses.
Click OK.
The Copy for Deployment dialog box opens, listing the PBL file that holds your DataWindow objects, the required DLLs, and the DLLs for the database interface you selected.
If the list includes files that you do not want to copy, clear the check box next to them.
Click the browse (...) button next to the Target Directory box, browse to the bin\Release directory for your project, and click OK.
The files you selected are copied to the target directory. You can copy the contents of this directory, which also contains the executable file and any application-specific files, to a user’s computer, or add the contents of this directory to a package or ZIP file to be distributed to users.