The default behavior for a Web DataWindow is to display all the rows retrieved in a single page. If you want to limit the number of rows that display, set the RowsPerPage property to the number of rows you want. Displaying a limited number of rows requires less time to refresh the display in the browser. When you set RowsPerPage to a non-zero value, the value of the Height property is ignored and the control is sized to fit the number of rows.
If you set the RowsPerPage property, you can add ScrollFirstPage, ScrollLastPage, ScrollPriorPage, and ScrollNextPage buttons to the DataWindow object, typically in the footer band, to navigate to the rest of the data. For more information, see “Using Button and Picture controls”. You can also use an integrated navigation bar, as described in “Page navigation bars”.
Note that the RowsPerPage option sets not only the number of rows visible in the browser, but also the number of rows currently loaded into the control. Typically you do not want to display a vertical scroll bar in a DataWindow when you have set the RowsPerPage property, because users will use the navigation buttons to move through the data.
The default value for both HorizontalScrollBar and VerticalScrollBar is Auto, which means that the size of the control is respected and a scroll bar displays automatically if the number of columns or rows exceeds the size of the control. Specify None if you do not want scroll bars and you want the control to expand to accommodate the size of its contents. Specify NoneAndClip if you do not want scroll bars and you want the control to remain the same size and clip the data. Specify Fixed if you always want scroll bars even if the data does not exceed the size of the control.
Separate values for horizontal and vertical scroll bar display are not supported on Netscape browsers. If you expect your application to run on Internet Explorer and Netscape Browsers, the values for HorizontalScrollBar and VerticalScrollBar should be set to the same value to ensure consistent display.