Must start with a letter
Can have up to 255 characters, but no spaces
Are case insensitive (PART, Part, and part are identical)
Can include any combination of letters, numbers, and these special characters:
- Dash
_ Underscore
$ Dollar sign
# Number sign
% Percent sign
Since DataWindow Designer does not allow spaces in identifiers, you can use any of the following techniques to join words in an identifier:
Initial caps (for example, IncomeJanuary)
Dashes (for example, northeast-sales)
Underscores (for example, quantity_on_hand)
Here are some valid identifiers:
first_quarter_summary EMPLOYEE_LABELS EmployeeSalarySummary Employee_by_#
Here are some invalid identifiers:
2nd-quarter // Does not start with a letter emp list // Contains a space Employee’sInfo // Contains an invalid character