Error messages




You have not defined your local server. See “Adding an RTDS license for Adaptive Server Enterprise version 15.0 ESD #2”.


Either you do not have an RTDS license, or you have not configured Adaptive Server for RTDS.


Either SYB_RTMS is not defined in the sysservers database, or you have not run installmsgsvss.


Verify that 'number of Q engines at startup' and 'max online Q engines' are configured correctly.


You cannot dynamically load either TIBCO EMS or WebSphere MQ libraries and you need to verify the path to the libraries.

“Kernel IBM MQ dynamic libraries failed to load”

You must reinstall RTDS.


Windows NT only – indicates that third-party shared libraries are wrong. To use Real-Time Data Services with Adaptive Server, you need TIBCO shared libraries, and set your PATH to include the path to the TIBCO client library.

The TIBCO library requires libeay32.dll, ssleay32.dll, and zlib1.dll, third-party shared libraries.

If you see this error message, copy the correct version of these files to x:/windows/system32.