Adding the Repra and TIBCO libraries to CLASSPATH
RepConnector requires that additional jar file locations be added to the CLASSPATH and BOOTCLASSPATH environment variables. The following procedure describes how to add these jar file locations.
Verify that you are using the proper case for all directory
path and file names.
If it does not already exist, create in the $JAGUAR/bin directory using a text editor.
This file must reside in the $JAGUAR/bin directory
so that it is called by the file,
which starts EAServer.
Set the TIBCO_HOME environment variable. For example:
set TIBCO_HOME=/usr/env/TIBCO
Locate these four jar files, which should reside in the $JAGUAR/repra/lib directory: log4j-1.2.6.jar, jconn2.jar, jTDS2.jar, and dom4j-full.jar.
Verify the directory path to log4j-1.2.6.jar, jconn2.jar, jTDS2.jar, and dom4j-full.jar, then add these locations to the head of the CLASSPATH and BOOTCLASSPATH environment variables in $JAGUAR/bin/
Locate these three jar files, which should reside in the $TIBCO_HOME/jms/clients/java directory: jms.jar, tibjms.jar, and tibrvjms.jar.
UNIX installations of TIBCO Enterprise for JMS might
not have a jms directory, that is, the jar
files might reside in $TIBCO_HOME/clients/java instead
of $TIBCO_HOME/jms/clients/java.
Verify the directory path to jms.jar, tibjms.jar, and tibrvjms.jar, then add these locations to the head of the CLASSPATH and BOOTCLASSPATH environment variables in $JAGUAR/bin/
The following example shows the required contents of the file:
## ****************************** # ** set CLASSPATH environment variable # ****************************** #!/bin/sh CLASSPATH=. # ** these are the RepConnector required class files CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$JAGUAR/repra/lib/log4j-1.2.6.jar CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$JAGUAR/repra/lib/dom4j-full.jar CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$JAGUAR/repra/lib/jTDS2.jar CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$JAGUAR/repra/lib/jconn2.jar # ** these are the TIBCO Enterprise for JMS required class files CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$TIBCO_HOME/jms/clients/java/jms.jar CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$TIBCO_HOME/jms/clients/java/tibjms.jar CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$TIBCO_HOME/jms/clients/java/tibrvjms.jar # ** end of set CLASSPATH environment variable # ****************************** # ** Set BOOTCLASSPATH ** # ****************************** BOOTCLASSPATH=. # ** these are the RepConnector required class files BOOTCLASSPATH=$BOOTCLASSPATH:$JAGUAR/repra/lib/log4j-1.2.6.jar BOOTCLASSPATH=$BOOTCLASSPATH:$JAGUAR/repra/lib/dom4j-full.jar BOOTCLASSPATH=$BOOTCLASSPATH:$JAGUAR/repra/lib/jTDS2.jar BOOTCLASSPATH=$BOOTCLASSPATH:$JAGUAR/repra/lib/jconn2.jar # ** these are the TIBCO Enterprise for JMS required class files BOOTCLASSPATH=$BOOTCLASSPATH:$TIBCO_HOME/clients/java/jms.jar BOOTCLASSPATH=$BOOTCLASSPATH:$TIBCO_HOME/clients/java/tibjms.jar BOOTCLASSPATH=$BOOTCLASSPATH:$TIBCO_HOME/clients/java/tibrvjms.jar # ** end of set BOOTCLASSPATH environment variable
Restarting EAServer
Go to the $JAGUAR/bin directory and enter:
jagtool -h <hostname> -n <port number> shutdown
This shuts down EAServer.
In the same directory, restart EAServer by entering: