This section contains error messages for the Adaptive Server Descriptor Manager.
Keep count of descriptor (objid=%ld, dbid=%d) was expected to be %d. Instead %d was found.
Session descriptors are the data structures used to manage access to Adaptive Server objects. The Descriptor Manager controls and synchronizes access to descriptors. It uses a keep count to determine whether a descriptor is in use. This guarantees that a descriptor is protected while it is in use. Error 8201 occurs if the Descriptor Manager determines that the keep count is incorrect.
Error 8201 is caused by an Adaptive Server problem.
Shut down and restart Adaptive Server. This should clear Error 8201.
If the 8201 error persists, contact Sybase Technical Support.
Have the following information ready when you call Sybase Technical Support:
Server Version and SWR rollup level
Server error log
Text of all error messages
All versions
Expected to find the descriptor for object %d in database %d in %s state.
Session descriptors are the data structures used to manage access to Adaptive Server objects. As it is used, a descriptor passes through a number of different states:
free – The descriptor is on the free resource list. It can be used only by the Descriptor Manager which can turn it into an active descriptor.
create – This is the stage of a descriptor between free and active, while the fields are being filled in.
active – The descriptor is accessible from outside the Descriptor Manager. This state does not necessarily mean that the descriptor is being used.
drop – An object is in the process of being dropped.
destroy – A descriptor is being versioned so it can be used for another object.
clean – The descriptor is between the active and free states of the chain; in this state the descriptor cannot be found. The next state after this is either free or create.
When the Adaptive Server Descriptor Manager tries to access a descriptor and the descriptor is in an incorrect state, Error 8203 occurs. This error is caused by an Adaptive Server problem.
Error 8203 occurs with the following states:
State |
Meaning |
1 |
Adaptive Server expected a descriptor it was trying to get to be in state “active,” but it was not. |
2 |
When Adaptive Server prepared to clean up a descriptor, it expected the descriptor to be in state “destroy,” but it was not. |
3 |
When Adaptive Server prepared to return a descriptor from the resource free list, it expected the descriptor to be in state “free,” but it was not. |
4 |
Adaptive Server prepared to move a descriptor from state “drop” to state “destroy,” but the descriptor was not in state “drop.” |
5 |
Adaptive Server expected a descriptor it was creating for use to be in state “create, ” but it was not. |
6 |
Adaptive Server expected a descriptor it was creating for use to be in state “create.” However, Adaptive Server received an invalid status and could not determine what state the descriptor was in. Therefore, even though it expected the descriptor to be in state “create,” the message shows it expected the state to be “Invalid Stat Return.” |
7 |
When Adaptive Server prepared to move a descriptor to state “free,” it expected the descriptor to be in state “clean,” but it was not. |
8 |
When Adaptive Server needed to mark a descriptor as “active” and it had previously marked it for “drop,” it expected the descriptor to be in state “drop” and it was not. |
9 |
When Adaptive Server prepared to move a descriptor from “active” to “drop”, it checked to make sure the descriptor was in state “active,” but it was not. |
10 |
When Adaptive Server prepared to store information about a new descriptor, it expected the descriptor to be in state “create,” but it was not. |
11 |
When Adaptive Server tried to initialize the lock promotion information in the descriptor, it expected the descriptor to be in state “create,” but it was not. This state is only raised by diagserver. |
If Error 8203 occurs with a state other than 6, shut down and restart Adaptive Server to clear the cache corruption. If the 8203 error occurs again, call Sybase Technical Support.
If Error 8203 occurs with State 6, call Sybase Technical Support.
Have the following information ready when you call Sybase Technical Support:
Server Version and SWR rollup level
Server error log
Text of all error messages
All versions
Expected to receive system catalog id. Instead %d was received.
Session descriptors are the data structures used to manage access to Adaptive Server objects. Adaptive Server tracks individual descriptors by database table and system catalog ID. Error 8204 occurs if an invalid system catalog ID is returned while Adaptive Server is trying to locate a descriptor.
Error 8204 is caused by incorrect system catalogs or an Adaptive Server problem.
Call Sybase Technical Support.
Have the following information ready when you call Sybase Technical Support:
Server Version and SWR rollup level
Server error log
Text of all error messages
Output of dbcc checkcatalog if you know which database had the error
All versions
Couldn’t find an available descriptor for an object. Raise the value of the configuration parameter ’number of open objects’ for more descriptors.
Couldn't find an available descriptor for an object. Configure your system for more descriptors.
This message is displayed when Adaptive Server is configured for fewer open objects (also known as descriptors) than are currently needed.
The configuration parameter number of open objects sets the maximum number of objects that can be open at one time in Adaptive Server.
Use the system procedure sp_configure in order to display the run value of the configuration parameter you need to change:
1> sp_configure "number of open objects" 2> go
Increasing the value of number of open objects does not have a significant impact on performance or storage requirements. However, be careful when changing Adaptive Server configuration parameters. Refer to “Setting Configuration Parameters” in the Adaptive Server Enterprise System Administration Guide for information about selecting an appropriate value for number of open objects.
Increase the value of the number of open objects parameter to a higher value than the current run value for that parameter:
1> sp_configure "number of open objects", new_value 2> go
Restart Adaptive Server so that the configuration change will take effect.
For more information, refer to:
“number of open objects” in the System Administration Guide
Open Objects Parameter May Be Too Low in this manual
All versions
Duplicate of work table descriptor found in the id hash table for temporary object %d.
Adaptive Server uses work tables to temporarily store query results. Work table descriptors are the data structures used to manage access to work tables. For each task, the server maintains a list of the descriptors for work tables in use by that task. Error 8210 is raised when a problem is detected while placing a descriptor into a task’s work table descriptor list; the error results in a stack trace.
Error 8210 is raised with the following states:
State |
Meaning |
1 |
The descriptor was found to belong to an object that is not a work table. |
2 |
There is already a descriptor for this work table in the task’s work table descriptor list. |
Error 8210 is due to an Adaptive Server problem with batch scripts or stored procedures that use cursors and employ referential integrity checks.
Contact Sybase Technical Support to upgrade to a server version in which the problem is resolved.
Have the following information ready when you call Sybase Technical Support:
Adaptive Server version and SWR rollup level
Server error log
The error log contents are especially critical for analysis
by Sybase Technical Support. Additional messages that may appear
in the error log, along with the 8210 message, are important clues
to the underlying problem.
All versions.
Mismatch found between the name and id descriptor hash table. Descriptor hashed by name = 0x%0x and hashed by id = 0x%0x.
Session descriptors are the data structures used to manage access to Adaptive Server objects. ID and name hash tables are used to maintain session descriptors. Every session descriptor should have a corresponding entry in the ID and name hash tables. Error 8211 occurs when Adaptive Server finds two descriptors for one object or when a descriptor for an object exists in only one of the hash tables (ID or name table).
Error 8211 is caused by an Adaptive Server problem.
Shut down and restart Adaptive Server to clear the cache corruption.
If the 8211 error persists, call Sybase Technical Support.
Have the following information ready when you call Sybase Technical Support:
Server Version and SWR rollup level
Server error log
Text of all error messages
All versions
Couldn't compute lock promotion level in DES for object %d in database %d. Using default level = %d.
You can use the following configuration parameters to control how Adaptive Server handles lock promotion:
lock promotion hwm sets the maximum number of locks allowed on a table. When the number of locks that an individual command acquires exceeds this number, Adaptive Server attempts to acquire a table lock.
lock promotion lwm sets the minimum number of locks that are allowed on a table before Adaptive Server attempts to acquire a table lock. Adaptive Server does not attempt to acquire a table lock until the number of locks on a table is equal to the lock promotion lwm.
lock promotion pct sets the percentage of locks (based on the table size) above which Adaptive Server attempts to acquire a table lock when the number of locks is between the lock promotion hwm and the lock promotion lwm.
If a command requires more locks than the number specified by lock promotion lwm but less than the number specified by lock promotion hwm, Adaptive Server compares the number of locks to the percentage of locks on the table. If the number is greater than the percentage, Adaptive Server attempts to issue a table lock.
Adaptive Server computes the lock promotion threshold as a percentage of the table size. If Adaptive Server is unable to get the table size, Error 8219, an informational message, is displayed and Adaptive Server uses the value of lock promotion lwm to determine the lock promotion level.
Error 8219 can occur if the table size is 0 (no rows) or the number of pages for the table is 0. Run dbcc checktable and dbcc checkalloc for the table to determine if this is the case.
If this is not the case and the 8219 error occurs again, call Sybase Technical Support.
Refer to the Adaptive Server Enterprise Performance and Tuning Guide, the Reference Manual, and the System Administration Guide for information about Adaptive Server lock promotion.
Before calling Technical Support, have the following information available:
Server Version and SWR version level
Server error log
Text of all error messages
Output of sp_configure (or a copy of the configuration file), sp_helpdb, sp_help on the table involved, and sp_spaceused on the table involved
All versions