This section contains error messages for Adaptive Server configuration.
WARNING: Dynamic loading of caches and pools through loading a new file are not supported. However, the loadfile '%s' will be inspected for consistency. Refer to 'sp_cacheconfig' and 'sp_poolconfig' to create or alter pools and caches.
Configuration options are either dynamic or static. Dynamic parameters go into effect as soon as you execute sp_configure. Static parameters require Adaptive Server to reallocate memory; thus, they take effect only after Adaptive Server has been restarted.
Creating, dropping, and changing the size of data caches requires a restart of Adaptive Server for the configuration to take effect. Changes to data caches that take effect without a restart include changing the type, creating, dropping, and resizing memory pools with sp_poolconfig, changing the wash percentage of the pools, and binding and unbinding objects.
Error 5808, an informational message, is displayed while Adaptive Server is loading configuration information from a configuration file. Although dynamic loading of caches by using sp_configure to load a new configuration file is not supported, Adaptive Server checks cache configuration information as it is read from the file to make sure valid values are specified.
No action is required.
To activate cache and pool entries already made in the configuration file, shut down and restart Adaptive Server.
In the future, you can use sp_cacheconfig and sp_poolconfig to configure caches and pools and avoid the 5808 message. You will still have to shut down and restart Adaptive Server to make cache changes take effect.
Refer to the Reference Manual for information about sp_cacheconfig and sp_poolconfig.
All versions
Cannot reconfigure server to use sort order ID %d, because the row for its underlying character set (ID %d) does not exist in syscharsets.
The syscharsets system table contains one row for each character set and sort order defined for use by Adaptive Server. One of the sort orders is marked in master..sysconfigures as the default sort order, which is the only one actually in use.
This error is raised when you are reconfiguring Adaptive Server to use a different character set and/or sort order, and one of the following is true:
A corrupt index exists on syscharsets.
The specified sort order or character set does not exist in syscharsets.
The error occurs with the following states:
State |
Meaning |
1 |
Adaptive Server could not find the specified character set in syscharsets |
2 |
Adaptive Server could not find the specified sort order in syscharsets |
Determine the character sets that exist in syscharsets (note that a character set is defined by id, whereas a sort order is defined by a combination of the sort order ID and the character set ID csid):
1> select name, id from master..syscharsets 2> where csid = 0 3> go
This query can return more than one row if alternate character sets are installed. In this case, check the sysconfigures table or use sp_helpsort to determine the default character set.
If Error 5824 is raised with State 1, and the specified character set does not exist, you will need to install it. Refer to “Configuring Character Sets, Sort Orders, and Message Language” in the System Administration Guide.
Using the character set from step 1, determine whether the specified sort order exists in syscharsets:
1> select name, id, csid, description 2> from master..syscharsets 3> where csid = [charset_id] 4> go
where [charset_id] is the id from step 1.
If the character set and/or sort order data exist in syscharsets, check the table integrity:
1> dbcc checktable (syscharsets) 2> go
If errors are returned, recover from them by using the sections in this manual that describe those errors.
If errors persist, contact Sybase Technical Support. Depending on the type of problem you found, you may be able to take corrective action, such as manually changing the character sets or rebuilding the index on syscharsets.
Before calling Technical Support, have the following information available:
Server version and SWR Rollup level
Server error log
Output of dbcc checktable and the contents of syscharsets
Text of all error messages
sybinit log, if the sybinit utility was used to attempt changing the character set and/or sort order
All versions
Illegal value '%ld' specified for configuration option '%s'. The legal values are between '%ld' and '%ld'.
Error 5846 occurs when you specify a value for a configuration parameter that is lower than the lowest value allowed or higher than the highest value allowed.
Adaptive Server checks to make sure you have not set
configuration parameters to values outside the allowed ranges. However,
if you set a parameter such as number of open objects to
a value that is too high for the amount of memory you have configured
and that value is within the allowed range, Error 5846 will not
be raised and you may not be able to start Adaptive Server. Use sp_configure with
the verify or read option
to point out this sort of problem after you make configuration parameter
changes and before you restart Adaptive Server.
Refer to “Setting Configuration Parameters” in the System Administration Guide for legal value ranges for configuration parameters. Reset the value of the parameter named in the 5846 error message.
Refer to the Reference Manual for information about sp_configure.
All versions
Configuration Error: Configuration file '%s' does not exist or you do not have the required read/write permission for the file.
You can set or change the value of Adaptive Server configuration parameters in one of two ways:
By executing the system procedure sp_configure with the appropriate parameters and values.
By directly editing your configuration file and then invoking sp_configure with the configuration file option.
Error 5847 occurs when Adaptive Server cannot find the configuration file you specified in an sp_configure command or the user who started Adaptive Server does not have the required operating system-level read or write permission for the file.
Check the name of the configuration file you specified in the sp_configure command. If the name was wrong, enter the command again with a valid file name.
If the file name was not the problem, check the permissions on the configuration file you specified in the sp_configure command. If the user who started Adaptive Server does not have the required operating system-level read or write permission for the file, ask your System Administrator to change the protection on the file. Or have a different user, who has the appropriate access to the configuration file, start Adaptive Server.
Refer to “Setting Configuration Parameters” in the System Administration Guide for information about configuration parameters and files.
Refer to the Adaptive Server Reference Manual for information about sp_configure.
All versions
Warning: Unknown parameter '%s' found on line '%ld' of configuration file '%s'. This parameter is ignored. Edit the configuration file to remove or correct this parameter.
You can set or change the value of Adaptive Server configuration parameters in one of two ways:
By executing the system procedure sp_configure with the appropriate parameters and values.
By directly editing your configuration file and then invoking sp_configure with the configuration file option.
Error 5848 occurs during startup or run time when Adaptive Server detects a line in the configuration file that contains an unknown parameter. Adaptive Server ignores the unknown parameter.
Edit your configuration file. Using the parameter name and line number specified in the error message, remove or correct the incorrect entry.
Refer to “Setting Configuration Parameters” in the System Administration Guide for information about configuration parameters and files.
All versions
Verification failed for parameter '%s'.
Adaptive Server runs a verification check on configuration parameters in the following circumstances:
When you use sp_configure with the verify option to perform validation checking on the values in the configuration file you specify. This can help you avoid configuring Adaptive Server with invalid configuration values.
When you use sp_configure with the read option to perform validation checking on the values in the configuration file you specify and to read those values that pass validation into Adaptive Server. If any parameters are missing from the configuration file you specified, current values for those parameters are used.
Error 5849 occurs in one of those situations when Adaptive Server detects a verification error for the parameter named in the error message.
Use sp_configure or edit your configuration file to correct the incorrect value for the parameter named in the error message. Run the verification check again to confirm that the problem has been corrected.
Refer to “Setting Configuration Parameters” in the System Administration Guide for information about configuration parameters and files.
All versions
Notification failed for parameter '%s'.
You can use sp_configure with the verify or read option to perform validation checking on the parameters in a configuration file.
Configuration parameters are either dynamic or static. Dynamic parameters go into effect as soon as you execute sp_configure. Static parameters require Adaptive Server to reallocate memory, and thus they take effect only after Adaptive Server has been restarted.
During validation checking, if the value of a dynamic parameter is different in the configuration file than the current run value, Adaptive Server notifies itself that it should perform validation checking on the new value and notifies the user by writing an entry in the error log. Error 5850 occurs when that notification fails. It is caused by an Adaptive Server problem.
Try the sp_configure with verify or read command again. If Error 5850 occurs again, call Sybase Technical Support.
Refer to “Setting Configuration Parameters” in the System Administration Guide for information about configuration parameters and files.
Before calling Technical Support, have the following information available:
Server version and SWR Rollup level
Server error log
Text of all error messages
A copy of the configuration file you are using
All versions
Configuration Error: Configuration file '%s' has an unknown format on line %d.
You can set or change the value of Adaptive Server configuration parameters in one of two ways:
By executing the system procedure sp_configure with the appropriate parameters and values.
By directly editing your configuration file and then invoking sp_configure with the configuration file option.
By starting Adaptive Server with the -c option to specify a configuration file.
For some parameters in the configuration file, the keyword “default” must
be in capital letters (for example, for wash size).
The syntax for parameters in the configuration file is:
parameter_name={value | DEFAULT}
parameter_name is the name of the parameter you want to specify.
value is the numeric value to which you want to set parameter_name.
DEFAULT specifies that you want to use the default value for parameter_name. If you specify DEFAULT, do not include value.
Error 5851 occurs during start-up or when you run sp_configure with the verify or read option when Adaptive Server detects a syntax error in a line in the configuration file. Adaptive Server ignores the line with the syntax error.
Edit your configuration file. Using the configuration file name and line number specified in the error message, remove or correct the incorrect entry.
Refer to “Setting Configuration Parameters” in the System Administration Guide for information about configuration parameters and files.
All versions
Changing the value of '%s' is not allowed since it is a static option.
You can set or change the value of Adaptive Server configuration parameters in one of two ways:
By executing the system procedure sp_configure with the appropriate parameters and values.
By directly editing your configuration file and then invoking sp_configure with the configuration file option.
By starting Adaptive Server with the -c option to specify a configuration file.
Configuration parameters are either dynamic or static. Dynamic parameters go into effect as soon as you execute sp_configure. Static parameters, on the other hand, take effect only after Adaptive Server has been restarted. In version 12.5, several memory-related parameters were converted from static to dynamic.
Not all parameters listed here may be available in your
Adaptive Server version.
Error 5852 occurs when you run sp_configure with the read or verify option and Adaptive Server determines that you have changed the value of the static option mentioned in the error message and have not yet shut down and restarted Adaptive Server.
No action is required unless you want the value of the static parameter to be used now. If you do, shut down and restart Adaptive Server.
Refer to “Setting Configuration Parameters” in the System Administration Guide for information about configuration parameters and options.
All versions
'%s' has been modified from '%ld' to '%ld' by the verification routine.
Adaptive Server runs a verification check on configuration parameters in the following circumstances:
When you use sp_configure with the verify option to perform validation checking on the values in the configuration file you specify. This can help you avoid configuring Adaptive Server with invalid configuration values.
When you use sp_configure with the read option to perform validation checking on the values in the configuration file you specify and to read those values that pass validation into Adaptive Server. If any parameters are missing from the configuration file you specified, current values for those parameters are used.
Error 5853 is an informational message that is displayed in one of those situations when Adaptive Server changes the value for a configuration parameter because of rounding of the value. Rounding can occur when Adaptive Server needs to align to page boundaries.
No action is required.
Refer to “Setting Configuration Parameters” in the System Administration Guide for information about configuration parameters and files.
All versions
Configuration Error: Cannot write out file '%s' due to system error '%s'.
You can set or change the value of Adaptive Server configuration parameters in one of two ways:
By executing the system procedure sp_configure with the appropriate parameters and values.
By directly editing your configuration file and then invoking sp_configure with the configuration file option.
By starting Adaptive Server with the -c option to specify a configuration file.
Adaptive Server:
Writes information to the configuration file when you change a parameter using sp_configure or other stored procedures such as sp_cacheconfig.
Writes information to the configuration file when you run sp_configure with the verify or read option and Adaptive Server needs to change the value for a configuration parameter because of rounding of the value.
Creates a new configuration file when you use sp_configure with the write and restore options.
Error 5854 occurs when Adaptive Server is unable to write information to the configuration file in the error message because of the system error in the error message. The system error is an error returned by the operating system such as permission denied or no such directory or file.
Refer to your operating system documentation for information about resolving the system error.
Resolve the problem that caused the system error and try your action again.
Refer to “Setting Configuration Parameters” in the System Administration Guide for information about configuration commands and files.
All versions
Changing the value of '%s' is not allowed since its value is calculated or is read only.
Adaptive Server calculates the value for a number of configuration parameters. Some other configuration parameters are read only.
Calculated parameters include:
allow syb_sendmsg function
executable codesize + overhead
syb_sendmsg port number
total data cache size
Read-only parameters include:
o/s asynch i/o enabled
o/s file descriptors
master device name
master device mirror name
configuration file
Error 5857 occurs when you try to change the value of the parameter named in the error message, since that parameter is either calculated by Adaptive Server or it is read-only.
No action is necessary.
Refer to “Setting Configuration Parameters” in the System Administration Guide for information about configuration parameters.
All versions
The configuration number '%d' is invalid.
Each Adaptive Server configuration parameter has a unique identification number assigned to it. For user-settable parameters, this number is stored in the config column of the sysconfigures table.
Adaptive Server uses these configuration numbers to identify the option to be displayed, loaded, modified, or verified when you run sp_configure. Error 5859 occurs when the configuration number Adaptive Server tries to use to identify the option is invalid.
This error can be caused by corruption of sysconfigures or by an Adaptive Server problem.
Call Sybase Technical Support.
Have the following information ready:
Server version and SWR Rollup level
Server error log
Text of all error messages
select * from sysconfigures output
All versions
The current ’max memory’ value ’%ld’, is not sufficient to change the parameter ’%s’ to ’%ld’. ’max memory’ should be greater than ’total logical memory’ ’%ld’ required for the configuration.
The ’total memory’, ’%ld’, is not enough to change the parameter ’%s’ to ’%ld’.
In versions 12.0.x and earlier, the total memory configuration parameter sets the size of memory, in 2K units, that Adaptive Server allocates from the operating system.
Error 5861 occurs when you try to change the value of the parameter named in the error message to the value shown in the error message because the value of the total memory parameter is not high enough to support the change.
If the error occurs when you are running sp_configure, the value you asked to be changed is not changed. If the error occurs during start-up (after you modified the configuration file), Adaptive Server does not start.
In version 12.0.x and earlier, if the error occurred when you were running sp_configure, specify a lower value for the parameter you are changing or raise the value of the total memory parameter. Then enter your original command again.
If the error occurred while you were starting Adaptive Server, edit the configuration file to make the changes, and then start Adaptive Server.
There is a worksheet in the System Administration
Guide to help you determine appropriate values for memory-related
configuration parameters.
In version 12.5 and later, check that the memory available to the server is large enough to accommodate the total logical memory required by your configuration.
Refer to “Setting Configuration Parameters” in the System Administration Guide for information about configuration parameters.
Refer to the Performance and Tuning Guide and “Configuring Memory” in the System Administration Guide for information about how Adaptive Server uses memory.
All versions
Invalid group encountered.
You can use sp_configure with a group name to display values for the configuration parameters belonging to that group. As of Version 12.5, groups are:
Cache Manager
Component Integration Services
DTM Administration
Disk I/O
Error Log
Extended Stored Procedures
General Information
Java Services
Lock Manager
Memory Use
Meta-Data Caches
Network Communication
O/S Resources
Parallel Query
Physical Memory
Physical Resources
Rep Agent Thread Administration
SQL Server Administration
Security Related
User Environment
When Adaptive Server retrieves information for a configuration parameter group, it attempts to verify the group name. Error 5863 occurs when Adaptive Server is unable to verify the group name.
This error is caused by an Adaptive Server problem.
Call Sybase Technical Support.
Have the following information ready:
Server version and SWR Rollup level
Server error log
Text of all error messages
All versions
error in os_get_cpu_count: %d
Before Adaptive Server checks the configuration parameters min online engines and current number online engines to make sure they contain valid values, it checks the number of online CPUs on the machine. Error 5865 occurs when Adaptive Server queries the operating system for the number of online CPUs and the operating system returns an error.
This error is caused by an operating system problem.
If the error occurred during Adaptive Server start-up, restart Adaptive Server.
Retry the command you were running when the error occurred.
If you are still getting the 5865 error, call Sybase Technical Support. Have the following information ready:
Server version and SWR Rollup level
Text of all error messages
All versions
Configuration file '%s' has been written and the previous version has been renamed to '%s'.
Adaptive Server:
Writes information to the configuration file when you change a parameter using sp_configure.
Writes information to the configuration file when you run sp_configure with the verify or read option and Adaptive Server needs to change the value for a configuration parameter because of rounding of the value.
Creates a new configuration file when you use sp_configure with the write and restore options.
Each time you modify a configuration parameter with sp_configure, a new configuration file is created, using the naming convention file_name.001, file_name.002, file_name.003 and so on, up to file_name.999.
Error 5866 is an informational message that is written to the Adaptive Server error log when Adaptive Server writes information to the configuration file in the message and renames the previous version of the file.
No action is required.
Refer to “Setting Configuration Parameters” in the System Administration Guide for information about configuration commands and files.
All versions
The wash size for the %dk buffer pool in cache %s has been incorrectly configured. It must be a minimum of %d buffers and a maximum of %d percent of the number of buffers in the pool.
Wash size is the point in the cache at which Adaptive Server writes dirty pages to disk. You can use sp_poolconfig to place an entry in the configuration file to specify a wash size for a memory pool.
The default value for wash size depends on your server version. For example, in 11.5 the default wash size for a pool size less than 300MB is 20 percent of the buffers in the pool. (A buffer is a block of pages equal to the I/O size of the pool. All pages in a buffer are read from disk, written to disk, or flushed from the cache simultaneously.)
The minimum value for wash size is 10 buffers and the maximum value is 80 percent of the size of the pool.
Error 5867 occurs when you specify a value for wash size that is smaller than the minimum allowed size or larger than the maximum allowed size.
This error occurs with the following states:
State |
Meaning |
1 |
Error 5867 occurs with State 1 when you run sp_configure with the verify or read option after specifying a value for wash size that is smaller than the minimum allowed size or larger than the maximum allowed size. |
2 |
Error 5867 occurs with State 2 when you use sp_poolconfig or update the configuration file directly to specify a value for wash size and that value is smaller than the minimum allowed size or larger than the maximum allowed size. |
Determine a valid value for wash size for the buffer pool and cache specified in the error message and run your command again.
Refer to the Reference Manual for information about sp_poolconfig and wash sizes.
Refer to the Performance and Tuning Guide and “Configuring Data Caches” in the System Administration Guide for information about the wash area and wash configuration.
All versions
Invalid type configured for cache %s. Cache type may be one of mixed OR log only but NOT both.
You can create, configure, reconfigure, and drop data caches by using the Adaptive Server procedure sp_cacheconfig or by modifying your configuration file.
There are two types allowed for user-defined caches:
logonly – only transaction log (syslogs) information is stored here.
mixed – both transaction log (syslogs) information and user data is stored here. This is the default.
Error 5868 occurs when Adaptive Server determines that you have tried to mix different types of cache. For example, Error 5868 would occur if you try to define a cache as log only as well as mixed at the same time.
Use sp_cacheconfig or modify your configuration file to define a valid type for the cache named in the error message.
Refer to the Reference Manual for information about sp_cacheconfig and cache types.
All versions
The sum, (%s) + (%s %s) + (%s) + (%s), must be no greater than '%ld'.
Error 5893 is raised when the number of file descriptors available to Adaptive Server is less than the number needed by the process.
When you start up Adaptive Server or run sp_configure to change certain configuration parameters (such as number of user connections), the following criterion must be met:
number of remote sites + max number network listeners + number of user connections + (number of devices * max online engines * 2) <= o/s file descriptors - descriptors for environment files
On platforms that use light weight engines (NT systems),
use 1 instead of max online engines for the calculation.
descriptors for environment files is not a configuration parameter. It accounts for file descriptors used by the server error log and other operational files. It is equal to 10 if NETMIGRATE feature is on and 8 otherwise.
Increase the available file descriptors or reduce the value of one or more configuration parameters in the above expression.
Many operating systems allow you to configure the amount of file descriptors available per process. See the Adaptive Server installation and configuration guide for your platform for details on how to increase the available file descriptors.
The o/s file descriptors parameter indicates the maximum per-process number of file descriptors configured for your operating system. This parameter is read-only and cannot be configured through Adaptive Server.
All versions