How to Configure a Shared Memory Dump on Conditions

Take the following steps:

  1. Enable the server to generate a shared memory dump on conditions:

    1> sp_configure "dump on conditions", 1
    2> go

  2. Specify the dump condition using sp_shmdumpconfig. The syntax for this stored procedure is:

    sp_shmdumpconfig "action", type, value, maximum-dumps, 
    dumpdir, dump_file

    Notesp_shmdumpconfig uses positional parameters. When setting a parameter that falls to the right of parameters you do not wish to set, specify null values for the unset parameters.

    For example, to request a one-time memory dump on signal 11:

    1> sp_shmdumpconfig "add", signal, 11,1,"dump_dir"
    2> go

    where dump_dir is the directory where you want the dump file deposited; this directory must have sybase read and write permission.

    To request a memory dump on the occurrence of a 605 error:

    1> sp_shmdumpconfig ’add’, error, 605, null, null, null, include_page
    2> go

    To request a memory dump for the 8xx range of errors:

    1> sp_shmdumpconfig ’add’, module, 800
    2> go

  3. After collecting the desired data, you can turn off collection by deleting the dump condition. For example, to drop the condition for error 631 and disable shared memory dumps:

    1> sp_shmdumpconfig "drop", "error", 631
    2> go
    1> sp_configure "dump on conditions", 0
    2> go