Gathering information to solve an optimizer problem is a multi-step procedure, involving distinct Transact-SQL sessions or commands. You will save each session’s output to a file. You can then examine the information in these files, or make the files available to your Sybase Technical Support representative.
Here are the steps for gathering the information:
Save the text of the Transact-SQL query that provoked the optimizer problem to a file called query_text.
Create an input file, input_file1, that contains the following Transact-SQL:
1> use database_name 2> go 1> sp_help table_name 2> go
database_name is the name of the database containing table_name, the relevant table. If there is more than one table involved in the problem query, run the input_file1 script once and name each file according to its table name.
If the query’s FROM clause involves a view, input_file1 should look like this:
1> use database_name 2> go 1> sp_helptext view_name 2> go 1> sp_help base_table_name 2> go ...repeat for other base tables in view
Run input_file1 through isql, saving the results to output_file1:
% isql -Usa -P < input_file1 > output_file1 -e
Save output_file1.
Create a second input file, input_file2, that contains the following Transact-SQL:
1> use database_name 2> go 1> select @@version 2> go 1> set showplan on 2> go 1> set statistics io on 2> go 1> set statistics time on 2> go 1> dbcc traceon(3604) 2> go 1> dbcc traceon(302) 2> go 1> dbcc traceon(310) 2> go ... contents of query_text
You must have “sa_role” to
run dbcc traceon(302) and dbcc traceon(310).
At the end of input_file2, include the contents of query_text, the file you created in step 1, which includes the Transact-SQL code that provoked the optimizer problem.
Run input_file2 through isql, saving the results of the commands in input_file2 to output_file2:
% isql -Usa -P < input_file2 > output_file2 -e
Save output_file2 .
Run optdiag to capture table statistics, saving the results of the command to output_file3:
% optdiag statistics database..table -o output_file3
If the query involves multiple tables, run optdiag for
each table and save the output in separate files.
You should now have the following text files:
File name |
Contains |
query_text |
The text of the Transact-SQL query, stored procedure, trigger, or view definition that provoked your optimizer problem. |
output_file1 |
The results of running sp_help on the table(s) implicated in the optimizer problem. |
output_file2 |
The results of running set showplan on, set statistics io on, set statistics time on, dbcc traceon (302), dbcc traceon (310), and the Transact-SQL query that provoked the optimizer problem. |
output_file3 |
The output from the optdiag utility. |