Perform these steps to recover a master database that is corrupt but usable by Adaptive Server (for example, some tables in the master database are corrupt but Adaptive Server can start, and the System Administrator can to a certain extent use the master database).
This procedure assumes that the rest of the master device
is intact.
Start Adaptive Server in single-user mode. Refer to “How to Start Adaptive Server in Single-User Mode”.
Load the master database from backup. Refer to “How to Load the master Database from Backup”.
Adaptive Server will automatically shut down after the load is complete.
Start Adaptive Server in single-user mode. Refer to “How to Start Adaptive Server in Single-User Mode”.
Restore system catalog information of master database if changes were made to it since the last dump. Refer to “How to Restore System Table Information in master Database”.
Start Adaptive Server in multiuser mode. Refer to “Returning Adaptive Server to Multiuser Mode”.