SmappStatePlugin class

This class represents the main class to be inherited by state that needs to be displayed on the Application Composer and State Editor, and to be invoked by the "Processing Engine" at runtime of an application.

 Base class/Interfaces
 Derived classes

continueDyn method
continueFail method
continueOk method
determineFollowingSmappStateFromPattern method
determineFollowingSmappStateFromTransitionType method
getCurrentCustomer method
getInputAttributes method
getOutputAttributes method
getSessionAttributeForKey method
getSessionAttributes method
getSessionId method
getSmsText18nReplaced method
getStateAttributes method
getStateNotes method
handleFatal method
isCurrentStateEncrypted method
isSelectable method
loadStateAttributes method
processMessage method
processMessageLogic method
processState method
processStateLogic method
saveOutputAttributes method
saveSessionAttribute method
saveSessionAttributes method
sendSmappSms method
setAckMessage method
shutdown method
startup method
supportEncryption method
supportsDynTransition method
supportsFailTransition method
supportsGoToApplication method
supportsOkTransition method
supportsSendSmsMessage method