String Extension Functions

The table in this topic describes the string extension functions available from the XPath editor context menu.

Table 1. String extension functions
Name Description
apply default Returns a default value when the input string is empty or missing
compare Compares two strings lexicographically
compare ignore case Compares two strings lexicographically, ignoring case
delete Removes the characters in the input string, using a start and end position
delete all Removes all occurrences of the substring argument from the input string
delete char at Removes the character at the specified position in the input string
delete first Removes the first occurrence of the specified substring
delete last Removes the last occurrence of the specified substring
ends with Tests if the input string ends with the specified suffix
equals Tests if the two input strings are equal
equals ignore case Tests if the two input strings are equal, ignoring case
get field Extracts and returns the field within the delimited input string at the specified index
get field count Returns the count fields within the delimited input string
index of Returns the index into the first input string of the first occurrence of the second output string
index of from start position Returns the index into the first input string of the first occurrence of the second input string starting at the specified position
insert Returns the first input string with the second input string inserted at the specified position
justify center Returns the input string center-justified and padded to the left and right with the specified pad string
justify center to length Returns the input string center-justified and padded to the left and right with the specified pad string, maximized to the specified length
justify left Returns the input string left-justified and padded to the right with the specified pad string
justify left to length Returns the input string left-justified and padded to the right with the specified pad string, maximized to the specified length
justify right Returns the input string right-justified and padded to the left with the specified pad string.
justify right to length Returns the input string right-justified and padded to the left with the specified pad string, maximized to the specified length
last index of Returns the index into the first input string of the last occurrence of the second input string
last index of from start position Returns the index into the first input string of the last occurrence of the second input string starting at the specified position
matches Tests whether or not the input string matches the specified regular expression
prefix Returns the input string with the specified prefix added to the beginning
region matches Tests if two string regions are equal
region matches ignore case Tests if two string regions are equal, ignoring case if the IgnoreCase argument is true
replace Replaces the input string with the specified replacement, using a start and end position
replace all Replaces each of the specified substrings of the input string with the specified replacement
replace all regex Replaces each of the specified regular expressions of the input string with the specified replacement
replace first Replaces the first substring of the input string with the specified replacement
replace first regex Replaces the first specified regular expression of the input string with the specified replacement
starts with from start position Tests if the input string starts with a specified prefix, using a starting position
substitute Matches the input string against a list of strings. If there is a match, the corresponding string substitution is made
substring Returns a substring of the input string, starting at a specified position for a specified length
substring-to-end Returns a substring of the input string, starting at a specified position for the remaining length of the string
substring-after Returns a substring of the input string, starting after the first occurrence of the specified substring for the remaining length of the string
substring-before Returns a substring of the input string, ending at the start of the first occurrence of the specified substring
suffix Returns the substring with the specified suffix added to the end
to hex string Returns the input string in a hexadecimal-encoded form
to lower Returns the input string with all characters converted to lowercase
to upper Returns the input string with all characters converted to uppercase
trim Returns the input string with leading and trailing occurrences of the specified trim string removed
trim left Returns the input string with leading occurrences of the specified trim string removed
trim right Returns the input string with trailing occurrences of the specified trim string removed
Related concepts
XPath Editor

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