Message Service JMS Runtime Properties for Inbound Transports

Use the tables in this topic to specify connection or runtime properties for the inbound transports when configuring access for a service package profile.

Table 1. HTTP
Inbound Transport Property Description
None n/a
Table 2. Email
Inbound Transport Property Description
Check Interval Specify the time interval in seconds that lapses before checking for new messages. The default is 50 seconds.
Folder Name Name the folder from which messages are retrieved. The default is INBOX.
Folder Open Attr
  • READ_WRITE (default)
  • READ
XA Support Specify if you want to support transactionality. Choose one of the following:
  • True
  • False
Table 3. File
Inbound Transport Property Description
Delimiter Required if Message Separator Mode is set to byDelimiter.

Specify the type of delimiter to use separate inbound messages. Choose from the following:

  • Default - No action is required. The inbound delimiter remains unchanged as it is passed to the outbound operation.
  • String (with Escape sequence) - Specify a nonprintable or special character as an escape character. Select String and the Use Java escape sequences checkbox.
  • Binary - Specify a special character using the format 0xXXXX, where X is a hexadecimal value. The value range is 0x0000 to 0xFFFF.
Encoding Specify the encoding of the specified attributes, such as File Header/Footer and Message Header/Footer.
File Footer Specify the constant string used to end every file.
File Header Specify the constant string used to begin every file.
File Move to Directory Specify a valid directory for the file when the Move option is set to File Process.
File Name Pattern Specify a regular Java expression that identifies what files to read. ".*" reads all files
File Process Specify the process to be done after the file is read. Choose from the following:
  • Select Delete to delete the file.
  • Select Rename to rename the file and add a File Rename Suffix.
  • Select Move to move the file to the location specified in the File Move to Directory field.
File Read Order Specify the order for the file to be read.
File Rename Suffix Specify the suffix to be appended to the file name when the Rename option is set for File Process.
Fixed Length Specify if the maximum length of the file. Required when a Message Separator Mode is set.
Message Footer Specify the constant string to be used after each message.
Message Header Specify the constant string used before each message.
Message Separator Mode Specify the means by which messages are separated. Choose one of the following:
  • byDelimiter to separate messages by delimiter. Use this option in conjunction with the Delimiter property.
  • byFixedLengthInBytes to reserve X bytes for each message, where X is set by the Fixed Length property.
  • byFixedLengthInChars to reserve X characters for each message, where X is set by the Fixed Length property.
Table 4. JMS
Inbound Transport Property Description
Close Connection After Operation Specify if you want to support transactionality. Choose one of the following:
  • True
  • False
Non XA Queue Session Acknowledge Specify the type of acknowledgment. Choose one of the following:
  • AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE: The session automatically acknowledges a client's receipt of a message when it has either successfully returned from a call to receive or the MessageListener it has called to process the message successfully returns.
  • CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE: The client acknowledges a message by calling the message's acknowledge method. Acknowledging a consumed message automatically acknowledges the receipt of all messages that have been delivered by its session.
  • DUPS_OK_ACKNOWLEDGE: This option instructs the session to lazily acknowledge the delivery of messages. If JMS fails, duplicate messages may be delivered. Use of this option can reduce session overhead because the session minimizes the work that prevents duplicates.
Non XA Queue Transacted Specify if you want to support non-XA Queue transactionality. Choose one of the following:
  • True
  • False
Timeout Specify the number of seconds without establishing a connection before triggering a timeout.
XA Support Specify if you want to support transactionality. Choose one of the following:
  • True
  • False

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