Deployment Profiles

Package attributes can be reconfigured and specific changes can be made to a deployment profile.

You can use a deployment profile to create the physical package or packages. After the deployment profile is saved, you can execute a deployment using a deployment profile. This generates the package using the latest versions of contained and dependent services. It also applies any configuration overrides specified in the deployment profile This newly created package, which is an updated version of an existing package profile, is then deployed to the targeted server or servers.

Using deployment profiles provides these advantages:
Table 1. Deployment profile options
Option Description
Target Mapping Edit the configuration and target servers for a package. The Packages tree lists the packages included in this deployment. Add Package, Remove Package, Add Target, or Validate the Configuration are active when you highlight a package. You must select a package in this section before you work in the following sections.
Package Description Edit the description associated with the highlighted package.
Servers Edit the list of servers targeted for this deployment profile.

The following package attributes can be reconfigured:

This includes the following specific changes to the deployment profile:

Services package files display in the WorkSpace Navigator. Sybase Services Package files have a .svcpkg extension; EAServer Services Package files have a .jar extension.

Related tasks
Creating a Deployment Profile
Related reference
Deployment Profile Overview Page

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