Setting Up Apache Web Server Redirector for HTTP Service Clustering

To support full HTTP service clustering, configure an Apache HTTP 2.2.0 Server with Apache Web Server Redirector support.


Before you begin, you must have already installed and configured a Web Service Redirector. For complete instructions, see Chapter 4: Installing and Configuring a Web Server Redirector in the EAServer Installation Guide. The EAServer documentation is located at the main level of the Sybase WorkSpace online bookshelf. If this server documentation is not installed, the documentation is available on the Sybase Product Manuals Web site at

  1. Download and install Apache HTTP 2.2.0 Server.
    Note: To ensure a single point of failure, Sybase recommends that you install Apache on a host separate from the Service Container installations.
  2. Include the EAServer Web Server Redirector libraries with the Apache installation:
    1. Copy the following libraries from installation directory\EAServer\lib to the Apache installation directory\modules directory:
      • libjcc.dll

      • libjctssecct.dll

      • libjintl.dll

      • libjspks.dll

      • libjsybscl.dll

      • libjtml.dll

      • libjutils.dll

      • nlwnsck.dll

      • nlwnsck64.dll

    2. Copy the plug-ins contained in installation directory\extras\redirector\redirector-apache-2.0.jar to the Apache installation directory\modules directory. This JAR file contains the following plugins:
    3. Edit the PATH environment variable to include:

      Apache installation directory\modules

  3. Configure Apache to load the Web Server Redirector libraries:
    1. Open the Apache installation directory\conf\httpd.conf file.
    2. Modify the contents of this file to add your EAServer Web Server Redirector configuration information:
    #EAServer Web Server Redirector Configuration
    LoadModule easredirector_module modules\libjeas2_mod.dll
    EASConfigFile Apache installation directory\conf\conn_config
    #Example: C:\Apache2\conf\conn_config
    ServerName MyApacheHost
    #Example: ServerName ApacheHost1
    <LocationMatch /* >
    SetHandler eas-handler
  4. Restart the host on which you installed the Apache HTTP Server. Ensure that the Apache service has restarted.
  5. Substitute the soap:address location attribute of all HTTP service calls with ServerName you used in the EAServer Web Server Redirector configuration. By making this change, all invocation calls, irrespective of the client, will now use the Apache server instead of the specific host:port of individual clustered nodes.

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