Service Container Glossary

This glossary lists common terms and definitions for the administration of Service Container.

BPEE/JMS queues

Service Container engines for business process service, timed events, and EAServer messaging.

Business Activity Monitoring

A term coined by Gartner, is the concept of providing real-time access to critical business performance indicators with the goal of improving the efficiency and effectiveness of business operations. Definition from

See "Business Activity Monitoring: The Promise and Reality" D. McCoy, July 2001,, ID# COM-13-9992 for more information.


Decodes data into an intelligible form for authorized users. Can be applied in a business process service. See also Encryption.


Dynamic-link library.


Encodes data into an unintelligible form to anyone other than authorized users. Can be applied in a business process service. See also Decryption.


A physical instance or implementation of a particular resource type. For example, a database endpoint specifies a particular database instance used in WorkSpace through a connection profile. The endpoint for a Java service is the Java source file that implements that service. Other examples are Java classes, stored procedures, and Web services.


The implementation of mirrored servers that automatically switch to a clone upon the failure or abnormal termination of the engine. After being configured, failover happens without human intervention.


Java Database Connectivity. JDBC is a Java API that enables Java programs to execute SQL statements. JDBC makes it possible to write a single database application that can run on different platforms and interact with different DBMSs.

See for more information.


A port is a network address at which specific operations are available. A port associates operations with specific endpoints.

Runtime Management Console

The Runtime Management Console is a Web-based tool that contains a number of consoles for business activity monitoring and service development administration:

  • Alert Console -- enables the set up of channels, targets, and subscriptions for alert notification.

  • BAM Dashboard -- enables the design and display of customized charts, graphs, and tables of analytic objects. You can set up dashboards to automatically update the data in real-time, share them with other authorized users, or drill down into the details of an analytic object by opening the Monitor Console.

  • Monitor Console -- provides an interactive, tabular view of the bound analytic models. You can drill down into an analytic object in a number of ways, such as viewing an attachment associated with an analytic object or display a list of correlated analytic objects from another analytic model.

  • Services Console -- provides remote access to service operation command and control.

  • Security Console -- enables the setup of security profiles to use encryption and decryption operations within a business process service.


A secure data service that supports encryption and decryption in a business process service using the Sybase Common Services infrastructure.


Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration (UDDI) is a standard protocol for Web-accessible servers. UDDI servers store information about the deployed services and APIs made available by the businesses that are registered with a UDDI server. See also UDDI Registries.

UDDI Registries

UDDI Registries contain public and private Web services.

  • Private Web services are available for use by authorized users only.
  • Public Web services can be browsed and used by anyone. Most public UDDI Registries have their own Web browser for searching and publishing Web services to the UDDI Registry.

    Organizations may also participate in the UDDI Business Registry (UBR), which provides update services to public UDDI Registries. If a change is made to a public UDDI Registry, that change automatically updates that registry for all participants in the UBR network. See also UDDI.


Web Services Description Language. A general purpose XML language for describing interface, protocol bindings, and deployment details of network services. As an XML-formatted language, WSDL is used to describe the capabilities of a Web service as collections of communication endpoints capable of exchanging messages. The WSDL details the available methods and parameters types as well as the actual SOAP endpoint for a service.

See for more information.

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