Providing Enough Space for Temporary Sort Files

When a data service sorts data, it writes sort files, which can be quite large, to a temp directory. If the temp directory doesn’t have enough disk space, the data service fails. You can set the location of the temp directory.

The temp directory a data service uses for its temporary sort files is specified by the system property on the grid server where the data service is running. The default location is <SDF-install-dir>/jboss/server/grid-server/tmp.

If you create a data service that sorts large result sets, be sure that the temp directory has enough disk space to write large sort files. Insufficient disk space will cause data service execution to fail because the sort operation is unable to finish.

If the grid server’s default temp directory can’t accommodate large files, you can change the system property to point to a different directory.

Note: For complete information on Data Federation system properties, see the Data Federation Administration Guide, part of the DI Suite documentation set, which is available on the Sybase Product Manuals Web site at
  1. In a text editor, open this file on the grid server that executes the sorting data service: <SDF-install-dir>/jboss/server/grid-server/conf/
  2. Locate or add the property and set it to point to a location with plenty of disk space: = </your/new/temp/directory>
  3. To make changes to system properties take effect, restart the grid server.
  4. If the data service may execute on other grid servers (as when execution service pooling is configured, for example), check the capacity of the temp directories on the other grid servers and change them if necessary.

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