Caching in a Nutshell

Sybase Data Federation uses caching to insulate production data sources from haphazard access, to maintain good performance for users and applications, to refresh data in a granular way based on business needs, and to ensure maximum data availability.

Caching makes remote data access practical by limiting the number of times a data request requires immediate communication with the original data source. Data Federation provides a variety of different caching options and features to meet diverse performance requirements. You can specify a different caching strategy for each data item, and local and remote caching options can be used separately or in combination to accomplish your goals.

Cache update frequency can be specified for a given data item. Database administrators can schedule how often database operations should be re-run and cached, so as to protect production databases from unexpected load. Cached data can also be configured to expire after a set time period, forcing a refresh of the data on the next request.

Data Federation’s caching mechanism is efficient and simple to deploy:

An automated caching approach means fewer data stores to manage. Once you have set up caching options for a given data item, there is very little work to do. Caches are updated automatically in accordance with your specifications, and the process is completely transparent to users and applications.

For more information on caching in Data Federation, see the Data Federation Provisioning and Advanced Data Integration Guide, part of the DI Suite documentation set, which is available on the Sybase Product Manuals Web site at

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