Mobile Business Object Validation Rules and Error Messages

Validation rules are enforced during development of the MBO and, in some cases, when you deploy the MBO to Unwired Server. Error or warning messages are generated when validation rules are violated.

Table 1. Mobile business object validation rules and error messages
Validation rule name Severity and message
ValidationMBOConnectionProfileMissing Mobile business object '{0}' refers to a connection profile, '{1}', that no longer exists.
ValidationRuleServiceObjectOperationTypeOtherOnly Mobile business object '{0}' does not have a data source and is not allowed to have a Create, Delete or Update operation.
ValidationRuleSyncableOnlyIfGridBlob Mobile business object '{0}' cannot be marked as syncable because it has a File data source.
ValidationRuleSyncableOnlyIfGridEmpty Mobile business object '{0}' is not allowed to be syncable because it does not have a data source (yet).
ValidationRuleNonSyncableShouldBeAssociationTarget Mobile business object '{0}' is neither syncable nor is it a target of a relationship, making it an orphan. As such, it will not get its data on the client-side device.
ValidationRuleAttributesIffGrid Mobile business object '{0}' must have at least one attribute because a data source is specified.
ValidationRuleEisBlobNotMixable File Object '{0}': Operation named upload must use a binary document as its data source.
ValidationRuleEisBlobUploadOnly File Object '{0}': Only one operation is allowed and it must be named upload.
ValidateMobileObjectName Refer to "Miscellaneous Validation Rules and Error Messages."
ValidateMBOElementsDuplication Refer to "Miscellaneous Validation Rules and Error Messages."

Created September 17, 2009. Send feedback on this help topic to Sybase Technical Publications: