Argument Validation Rules and Error Messages

Validation rules are enforced when mapping arguments and, in some cases, when you deploy the MBO to Unwired Server. Error or warning messages are generated when validation rules are violated.

Table 1. MBO argument validation rules and error messages
Validation rule name Severity and message
ValidationTooLongName Name '{0}' is too long. The length must be less than 64 characters.
ValidationRuleInvalidArgumentName The argument name '{0}' is invalid. A valid argument name must be an identifier name, or an identifier name followed by an optional pair of square brackets, a dot character and another identifier name.
ValidationRuleEmptyName The name is empty.
ValidationDuplicatedName {0} '{1}' has a duplicated {2} name.
ValidationDuplicatedNames {0} '{1}' has {2} duplicated {3} name.
ValidationRuleArgumentDefaultValueMustIfNoParameter Argument '{0}' needs to be mapped to any parameter or has a default value.
ValidationRuleParameterForOldValueArgument Argument '{0}' can be the old value argument for at most one parameter.
ValidationArgumentDefaultValueLength Argument '{0}' has a default value, '{1}', that is longer than the maximum length, {2}.
ValidationRuleOfArgumentTypeCannotBeenBinary Argument '{0}' has been mapped to Parameter'{1}', so its type cannot be Binary.
ValidationDuplicatedAttributeName Attribute '{0}' has {1} duplicated attribute names.
ValidationDuplicatedAttributeOperationName Attribute '{0}' has {1} duplicated operation names.
ValidationDefaultValue Refer to "Basic Type Validation Rules and Error Messages."
ValidationRuleEnumerationValue The default value '{0}' may not be valid. It must be one of the following values: '{1}'.

Created September 17, 2009. Send feedback on this help topic to Sybase Technical Publications: