Keyboard Shortcuts

Common keyboard shortcuts are described.

Table 1. Keyboard shortcuts for the Mobile Application Diagram
Keyboard shortcut Action
Ctrl+Page down Moves from tab to tab in a dialog.
Space/Enter Toggles the selection of the shape that has focus.
Esc Cancels the current selection.
Ctrl+a Selects all shapes in the diagram.
Up arrow Moves the selected shape up one grid increment. If the an item in a list is selected, moves to the previous sibling subfield.
Down arrow Moves the selected shape down one grid increment. If the an item in a list is selected, moves to the next sibling subfield.
Right arrow Moves the selected shape to the right one grid increment. If the an item in a list is selected, moves to the next sibling subfield.
Left arrow Moves the selected shape to the left one grid increment. If the an item in a list is selected, moves to the previous sibling subfield.
Shift+left arrow Decreases the width of the selected shape by one grid increment.
Shift+right arrow Increases the width of the selected shape by one grid increment.
Home Moves the focus and selection to the first shape on the diagram.
End Moves the focus and selection to the last shape on the diagram.
Tab Moves the focus and selection to the next shape on the diagram.

If focus is on a property heading in a mobile business object, such as an attribute, operation, parameter or role, pressing Tab moves focus to the next property heading.

If focus is on a property under a property heading, Tab moves focus to the next property.

Shift+Tab Moves the focus and selection to the previous shape on the diagram.

If focus is on a property heading in a mobile business object, such as an attribute, operation, parameter or role, pressing Shift+Tab moves focus to the previous property heading.

If focus is on a property under a property heading, Shift+Tab moves focus to the previous property heading.

> Navigates to a mobile business object's attributes, operations, parameters, or roles.
< Navigates to a mobile business object's attribute, operation, parameter, or role heading when focus is on, for example, an operation name under the operation heading.
Del Deletes the selected shape.
Shift+F10 Displays the context menu.
Ctrl+Shift+'+' Zooms in on the center of the diagram.
Ctrl+Shift+'-' Zooms out from the center of the diagram.
Ctrl+Shift+press left mouse button and draw a box Zooms in centered on the area you enclosed in the box. As you hold down the Ctrl+Shift keys, the cursor changes to a magnifying glass, which allows you to define the area to zoom into.

Created September 17, 2009. Send feedback on this help topic to Sybase Technical Publications: