Mobile Business Object Properties

Properties are displayed in tabbed pages in the Mobile Business Object Properties dialog.

Table 1. Mobile business object pages
Page Description
General The mobile business object (MBO) name, description (optional), and a check box to select if the MBO is syncable with the application running on Unwired Server.
Connection The runtime connection.
Definition Connectivity information.
Attributes A list of attribute names and their data type and the name and data type of the column to which each attribute is mapped.
Parameters Object and tabular views and a list of the MBO's parameters and their data types, arguments, the argument's data type and default value.
Operations A list of operation names and and their descriptions. You can create, update, or delete an operation in its Type field.
Relationship A list of the relationships defined between this and other MBOs.
Roles The names and description of roles granted to the MBO.
Column Filters Create a custom column filter to transform data coming from the backend data source. You can add, remove, or modify columns and add new arguments. Column filters are implemented in Java and must implement com.sybase.uep.eis.ResultSetFilter and may optionally implement com.sybase.uep.eis.ResultSetFilterMetaData.
Related concepts
Mobile Business Objects

Created September 17, 2009. Send feedback on this help topic to Sybase Technical Publications: