Propagating a Client's Credentials to the Back-end Data Source

Use client credentials to establish enterprise information system (EIS) connections on the client's behalf for all data source types.

To use client credentials, map an EIS connection's username and password properties to system-defined "username" and "password" personalization keys respectively. This creates a new connection for each client and the connection is established for each request (no connection pooling.)
  1. During development of the mobile business object MBO/operation, from the data source definition page (available either in the Creation wizard or from the Properties view), in the Runtime Data Source Credential section (or HTTP Basic Authentication section for a Web Service MBO), enter the client credentials in the User name and Password fields.
  2. During deployment of the package that contains such MBOs, map the design-time connection profiles to the existing or new server connections, but be aware that the username and password portions for the selected server connection is replaced by the username and password propagated from the device application.

Created September 17, 2009. Send feedback on this help topic to Sybase Technical Publications: