Common Validation Rules

These validation rules are common to all levels of MBO development (attribute, naming, operation, and so on) and enforced when developing the MBO and, in some cases, when you deploy the MBO to Unwired Server. Error/warning messages are generated when validation rules are violated.

Table 1. Common validation error messages
Severity and message Action
Error: Invalid {0} name: '{1}', {2}.

{0} – could be an MBO, attribute, operation, and so on.

{1} – the specified name of the element.

{2} – a valid identifier name should begin with an alphabetic character or an underscore. A valid parameter name should be an identifier name, or and identifier name followed by an optional pair of square brackets, a dot character and another identifier name for parameter.

Error: Invalid {0} name {1}, which cannot be keyword of Java or C# language.

{0} – could be an MBO, attribute, operation, and so on.

{1} – the specified name of the element (cannot be null).

Error: Invalid {0} name: {1}, the length should be less than {2}. The length should be less than 64 characters.

{0} – could be an MBO, attribute, operation, and so on.

{1} – the specified name of the element.

{2} – the maximum length of the identifier.

Error: Invalid {0} name: '{1}'. {2},which cannot be keyword of Java or C# language.. {0}– could be Mobile Business Object, attribute, operation, and so on.

{1}– the specified name of the element.

{2}– a valid identifier name should begin with an alphabetic character or an underscore. A valid parameter name should be an identifier name, or and identifier name followed by an optional pair of square brackets, a dot character and another identifier name for parameter.

Error : Invalid {0} name {1}, the length should be less than {2}. {0}– could be Mobile Business Object, attribute, operation, and so on.

{1} – the specified name of the element.

{2} – the maximum length of the identifier.

Created September 17, 2009. Send feedback on this help topic to Sybase Technical Publications: