Compiling Generated Code

Use code generation options to add platform specific JAR files that allow you to compile generated Java client code.

  1. Follow the procedure for generating device client code.
  2. Select Java as the Language.
  3. Select Project path as the destination. Enter a destination of Generated Code within the mobile application project. For example \uep\Generated Code. Keep the following in mind when selecting your options:
    1. Since the JAR files are added to the project's classpath, the destination project cannot be duplicated if the platform is different. Although different platforms might have different JAR files, the classes might have the same fully qualified names.
    2. For two configurations to be valid, you could designate the same destination project and platform, but use different package names.
    3. If you specify a folder other than Generated Code as the destination, the JAR files are not added automatically.
  4. Complete the configuration and click Finish to generate the client code.
  5. You can now compile the client code.

Created September 17, 2009. Send feedback on this help topic to Sybase Technical Publications: