Creating a Mobile Application Diagram Filter

For a given Mobile Application Diagram, create a filter (diagram filter) to view only mobile business objects of interest.

Filters and diagram filters both perform the same function, the difference is creating a diagram filter allows you to select the MBOs, while creating a filter pre-selects MBOs.
  1. If you are creating a diagram filter:
    1. Right-click in an empty area of the Mobile Application Diagram and select Diagram Filter.
    2. Click Select Filters, then New to launch the New Filter wizard.
    3. Select the filter type:
      • Mobile business objects – select individual mobile business objects
      • Logical group – select logical groups (subfolders) and the mobile business objects that the logical group contains.
    4. Enter a descriptive Filter name, and select the individual mobile business objects (or logical groups) to include in the filter. For logical groups, select Recursively include all the sub logical groups to include subfolder contents in the filter.
    5. Click Finish to create the filter.
  2. If you are creating a filter:
    1. Select multiple MBOs in the Mobile Application Diagram (hold the Shift key while selecting individual MBOs).
    2. While holding the Shift key (after selecting the last MBO), right-click and select New > Filter .
    3. Enter a filter name. Verify, add, or remove MBOs to be included in the filter.
    4. (optional) Select Apply the filter immediately to apply the filter as soon as you click Finish.
    5. Click Finish to create the filter.

Created September 17, 2009. Send feedback on this help topic to Sybase Technical Publications: