Creating a Device Application With Linked Parameters

Create a device application with linked parameters.

You can use use the same method with different data sources to create a device application with linked parameters. This procedure uses examples using a Remedy Web Service mobile business object as the data source

  1. Select File > New > Device Appication Designer .
  2. When the Device Application Designer opens, click Flow Design.
  3. In the Palette, select the Empty screen, and drag it onto the Flow Design page.
  4. Double-click the Empty screen to open the Screen Design page.
  5. From the Palette, select Label and click on the empty screen in the screen design.
  6. From Palette, select Choice and click on the empty screen. The screen will look similar to this:empty_screen_link_param
  7. From WorkSpace Navigator, select the mobile business object that contains the parameters you want to link and drag and drop it onto the Choice control. When you drag and drop the data source that contains the required columns for linked parameters, the Display Name Attribute and the Value Attribute are automatically populated. The Properties view for the Choice control displays.

    The linked value is cleared and disabled if the mobile business object does not contain the required attributes to do linked parameters.

  8. In the Properties view, enter the value for the linked parameters in the Linked Value field. The value for the Linked Value is the label from the table column. Preview the MBO to get the value for the linked parameter. For example:

    The Linked Value can be any or all of these:
    • Category
    • Type
    • Item

    For example:

    The linked parameter icon displays on the items with linked parameters.

  9. Assign a Persist action to each item.
  10. When you are finished adding linked parameters, select File > Save .

Created September 17, 2009. Send feedback on this help topic to Sybase Technical Publications: