Driver Definitions

Set details specific to a database (JDBC), JMS, and Replication Server service drivers.

Driver details can include driver classes, URL, and JAR locations, but this is dependent on the requirements of each driver. Driver definitions are referenced by connection profiles to access profile data. A database connection profile uses the driver definition to get the JAR location and specify profile defaults to establish database connections. You can define driver definitions before you create connection profiles, using the Driver Definitions preference page, or when you create or edit a connection profile that requires a driver definition.

To define default connection properties that can be reused for multiple, similar connection profiles, set the connectionProps property. This property is available for Adaptive Server, SQL Anywhere, or Sybase IQ driver definition templates.

Once defined for the driver template, the connection properties set in connectionProps are reused any time you select that driver for a database connection profile. This allows you to more efficiently define multiple connection profiles that use the same connection properties.

Table 1. Driver definition types
Type Description
Database Set up database drivers for development
JMS Set up JMS Drivers for development
Replication Server Set up Replication Server drivers
Replication Server System Database Set up Replication Server system database drivers
SMS Set up Systems Management Server (SMS) drivers
WS-Security Providers Set up WS Security drivers

Created June 25, 2009. Send feedback on this help topic to Sybase Technical Publications: