Deploying a Replication Model

Once you have a Replication Agent for SAP HANA instance running, you can deploy a replication model.

A replication model specifies all the configuration information that a Replication Agent for SAP HANA instance requires to execute a model, and the replication strategy. For example, you can define the HANA2HANA replication model for replicating data from a primary to a replicate SAP HANA database using the transactional CDC strategy.

  1. Right-click RAXContainer and select Deploy A Model menu option.
  2. In the Deployment Wizard window, select the Primary tab and enter the configuration information for the primary SAP HANA database:
    • Primary Database User Name – is the user name for accessing the primary database schema.
    • Primary Database Password – is the password for authenticating the primary user.
    • Primary HANA Host Name – is the host name for the primary database.
    • Primary HANA Port – is the port number for the primary database.
    • Primary HANA Schema Name – the schema name from which you will be replicating data.
    • Concurrent Materialization Tasks – the number of tasks the Replication Agent for SAP HANA reads from the primary schema in parallel. Begin with the default value of 10, then adjust the value based on initial results.
  3. Select the Replicate tab and enter the configuration information for the replicate SAP HANA database:
    • Replicate Database User Name – is the user name for accessing the primary schema.
    • Replicate Database Password – is the password for authenticating the replicate user.
    • Replicate HANA Host Name – is the host name for the replicate database.
    • Replicate HANA Port – is the port number for the replicate HANA database.
    • Replicate HANA Schema Name – the schema name to which you will be replicating data.
    • Commit Batch Size – the number of rows of data to commit per batch.

    Begin with the default value of 100, then adjust based on initial results. For testing purposes, you can use two different schemas on the same SAP HANA database.

  4. Click the Replication Strategy field and select TRANS_CDC to use the transactional CDC replication strategy.
  5. (Optional) If you want Replication Agent for SAP HANA to execute data definition language (DDL) statements at the replicate database, select the Capture DDL check box.
  6. Set the retention value units based on your requirement for managing the CDC tables.

    The Retention field is applicable only when you are using a CDC or TRANS_CDC strategy. The retention value is measured in minutes, hours, or days, specifying the length of time that long data is retained in the CDC tables before Replication Agent for SAP HANA performs a cleanup task.

  7. (Optional) Click Load to overwrite the configuration information for the primary and replicate SAP HANA database using a properties file.
  8. (Optional) Click Save to save the current primary and replicate SAP HANA database configuration information to a properties file.
  9. Enter the model name. The default value is HANA2HANA
    Note: If you are running in a multitenancy domain, you must enter the replication model names as the source and target database schemas. For example, SourceDBSchemaA2 and TargetDBSchemaA.
  10. Right-click RAXContainer and select Deploy A Model menu option to deploy the replication model.

    Once the deployment is successful, the replication model name appears under the RAXContainer instance and a confirmation dialog is displayed.

  11. Click OK.