Known Issues for Adaptive Server

Learn about known issues and apply workarounds for Adaptive Server. Known issues are listed in descending order of Change Request (CR) numbers.

Note: Sybase does not include system problem reports (SPRs) and closed problem reports (CPRs) with Adaptive Server Enterprise. You can search the Web site for solved cases. Click Support > Services > Solved Cases.
CR #Description
The select for update semantics introduced in version 15.7 do not support datapages-locked tables.

select for update support exists only for datarows-locked pages.

Workaround: None.

In some cases, alter database...log on or alter database...log off generates an error: "You must have the database dbname in single-user mode to perform an operation that either partially fills a hole or removes a partial disk fragment from the database."

Workaround: Set single-user mode using: sp_dboption single user, then re-run the command.

There are two known issues with transfer table:
  • When creating a unique index that is using the ignore_dup_key property, importing a row with a key that is already present in the table leads to an error, and the import is aborted. This differs from when a duplicate key is inserted with bcp or with a regular insert statement, since in those cases, the row is discarded, and the transaction continues.
  • When an insert trigger exists, the trigger is not fired when data is inserted through transfer table...from.

Workaround: None.

Adaptive Server may stop responding during start-up.

If you are using the in-memory database or relaxed-durability database feature, Adaptive Server may run into a timeslice error during start-up if it cannot access the license server as it starts.

Workaround: Make sure Adaptive Server can access the license server.

Under certain conditions, you may need to re-create abstract plans associated with stored procedures that include the built-in function isnull.
These are the conditions:
  • One of the parameters to isnull is a char datatype and another is a literal.
  • enable literal parameterization is set to on.

Workaround: Re-create the abstract plans associated with the stored procedure.

On Linux SUSE Enterprise 11 systems, configuring an Adaptive Server fails with SEGV while retrieving user ID and password from Network Information Service (NIS).

While creating the PCA-JVM, Adaptive Server can retrieve ID and password information using Network Security Services (NSS), but not NIS.

Workaround: Use either of these:
  • Specify the retrieval order to be either "compat" or "files NIS" in /etc/nssswitch.conf.
  • Add the ID and password for the user starting the Adaptive Server to the local files /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow. This ensures that the ID and password information is available locally, and contacting NIS is not necessary.

    If it is not possible to add the user information to local files, ensure that the Name Service Cache Daemon (NSCD) is running on the server host machine. The NSCD maintains a cache of the ID and password information that is consulted prior to dispatching a request to the nis for this information.

dsedit fails with translation table syntax errors.

When you try to enter a new server entry or a port number, the dsedit utility fails and displays parsing errors similar to:

Warning: translation table syntax error:
Unknown keysym name: osfActivate. Warning: ... found while parsing
':<Key>osfActivate: ManagerParentActivate()'. Warning: String to TranslationTable conversion
encountered errors. Warning: translation table syntax error: Unknown keysym
name: osfBeginLine. Warning: ... found while parsing ':<Key>osfBeginLine:

These errors indicate that the X-server program that renders graphics is not cached or set up as the default for the environment.

Workaround: Set the environment variable XKEYSYMDB:

% setenv XKEYSYMDB “/usr/share/X11/XKeysymDB”

Configuring Job Scheduler Self Management for Simplified Chinese.

When you configure the Job Scheduler Self Management feature for an Adaptive Server localized for Simplified Chinese, you may receive an error saying that a varchar datatype cannot be converted to a date. The Job Scheduler configuration process stops at this point.

Workaround: Do not configure the Self Management feature for Simplified Chinese.

Creating Job Scheduler schedules for Adaptive Server with Simplified Chinese.

When you attempt to create a Job Scheduler schedule using the Adaptive Server plug-in for an Adaptive Server that is localized for Simplified Chinese, you may receive an error indicating that the varchar datatype cannot be converted to a date.

Workaround: Localize the Adaptive Server for Simplified Chinese before configuring Job Scheduler.