Known Issues for Microsoft SQL Server

Learn about known issues and workarounds for Replication Agent that are specific to Microsoft SQL Server.

Replication Agent for Microsoft SQL Server Issues
CR# Description

varchar (max), nvarchar (max) and varbinary(max) can be replicated only to Microsoft SQL Server databases.

Workaround: None.


An error occurs when applying service patch.

When you run the SQL Server 2005 service patch, the Replication Agent system tables sys.sp_SybSetLogforLOBCol and sys.sp_SybSetLogforReplTable are deleted from the resource database, triggering error 29537:

MSP Error: 29537 SQL Server Setup has encountered the following problem: [Microsoft][SQL Native Client]
[SQL Server]Could not find stored procedure 'sys.sp_SybSetLogforLOBCol'.. To continue, correct the
problem, and then run SQL Server Setup again.

Workaround: Before you apply the service patch, disable the database triggers that Replication Agent created:

  1. Log in to the primary database.
  2. Disable the automark trigger if it is enabled. For example:
    DISABLE TRIGGER ra_createtable_trig_ ON DATABASE

    where ra_createtable_trig_ is the automark trigger created by Replication Agent.

  3. Disable the data definition language (DDL) trigger. For example:

    where ra_ddl_trig_ is the DDL trigger created by Replication Agent.


pdb_xlog init fails when Microsoft SQL Server 2005 is upgraded to the developer version.

pdb_xlog init fails when a SQL Server instance is upgraded from Microsoft SQL Server 2005 standard version to the developer version. This is a limitation of Microsoft SQL Server—during SQL Server upgrading, the “Agent XPs” component is turned off, which prevents pdb_xlog init from succeeding.

  1. Run these scripts using SQL Server Management Studio or SQLCMD to enable the SQL Server Agent extended stored procedures:
    sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1;
    sp_configure 'Agent XPs', 1;
  2. Run pdb_xlog init to reinitialize Replication Agent.

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 log error prevents LTL processing.

The partial update of varchar (max) or varbinary (max) with off-row storage cannot be replicated correctly due to a Microsoft SQL Server 2005 logging error. The LTL does not process the partial update.

Workaround: None.


Replication Agent instance fails to start after upgrading a version 15.0 on a UNIX platform to a Windows platform.

When you upgrade a Replication Agent 15.0 instance to version 15.1 or later by migrating from a non-Microsoft Windows platform to a Microsoft Windows platform, the instance may encounter this error during start up:

Error setting logging directory for instance XXX
because: <Log directory <YYY> does not exist>.

Workaround: After upgrading the Replication Agent instance, edit its configuration file to modify the value of the log_directory parameter to point to the correct path of the Replication Agent instance log directory. By default, the log directory resides under the Replication Agent instance directory.

For example, change this line:




Note: On Microsoft Windows, include the double backslashes as shown in the example.