Known Issues for All Database Targets

Learn about known issues and workarounds for Replication Agent that are not specific to a particular environment or data server type.

Issues for All Database Targets
CR# Description

Creating an instance of Replication Agent fails because database repository creation cannot be completed.

Replication Agent and Replication Server is shipped with SQL Anywhere, which manages the embedded database in Replication Agent System Database (RASD) and Embedded Replication Server System Database (ERSSD). To successfully create an instance of the Replication Agent or Replication Server, the RASD or ERSSD, respectively, must first be created.

Workaround: Contact Sybase Technical Support.


Replication Agent initialization may fail when tables are automatically marked for replication.

The pdb_xlog init command may fail when pdb_automark_tables is set to true.

Workaround:Set the pdb_automark_tables to false before you issue pdb_xlog init. You can set pdb_automark_tables to true after Replication Agent has been initialized.


Limitation of running Replication Agent as a Windows service on a Microsoft Windows 64-bit platform.

Currently, you cannot use the Microsoft Windows Services utility to start, stop, remove, or install a Microsoft Windows service instance of Replication Agent.

Workaround: Use agt_service.bat to start, stop, remove, or install a Replication Agent instance.


Java Virtual Machine stops responding due to thread stack overflow.

When Replication Agent for Oracle or UDB, running on an HP-UX 64-bit machine, processes high volume of data with an insufficient thread stack size memory setting, the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) may crash due to a thread stack overflow:

Pid xxxx was killed due to failure in writing to user register stack - possible stack overflow.
Workaround: Adjust the HP-UX PTHREAD_DEFAULT_STACK_SIZE environment variable to increase the default thread stack size to accommodate Replication Agent. To do this for all instances of Replication Agent, add the following two lines to the $SYBASE/RAX-15_5/bin/ file and set a proper stack size before running Replication Agent:

Incorrect LTL generated.

Incorrect LTL may be generated in a partition schema for an update transaction that affects the primary-key column of a table referenced by the cascading foreign-key column of another table. For example, two tables are created, one with a primary-key column referenced by the foreign-key column of the other table. This causes updates to cascade to the primary-key column of the first table:

create table table1 (id int constraint PK_1 PRIMARY KEY 
value1 varchar(8) null);
create table table2 (id int constraint FK_1 FOREIGN KEY 
value1 varchar(8) null);

Data is inserted into both tables:

insert into table1 values(3,'aaa');
insert into table2 values(3,'aaa');

The primary-key column of the first table is subsequently updated:

update table1 set id =4

The resulting update transaction results in the following logged commands:

LOP_DELETE_ROWS dbo.table1.PK_1
LOP_INSERT_ROWS dbo.table1.PK_1
LOP_DELETE_ROWS dbo.table2
LOP_INSERT_ROWS dbo.table2

The LTL generated for this transaction does not identify that the delete operations are grouped with insert operations as part of an overall update operation. Consequently, Replication Server is suspended.

Workaround: Drop the foreign key constraint in your replicate database. This will not result in data loss because both the original delete and the cascade delete commands are sent to the replicate database.


Changes to the table replication definition in Replication Server 15.2 or earlier are not recognized by Replication Agent.

Replication Agent caches a copy of the table replication definition that it reads from Replication Server. Because Replication Server 15.2 or earlier does not automatically update Replication Agent of changes to the table replication definition, Replication Agent does not know when changes have been made to the table replication definition.

Workaround: Before changing the table replication definition in Replication Server 15.2 or earlier, quiesce Replication Agent and wait for it to reach ADMIN state. Replication Agent will use the new table replication definition when you resume replication.


Error while loading shared libraries when running on Red Hat Linux 5.0.

You may be unable to start Replication Agent due to this error message:

Error while loading shared libraries.

Workaround: Check the system configuration and change the firewall configuration from enforcing to permissive. You must have root or sudo permission to make this change.