Database Upgrades

Important information about database upgrades.

For detailed information about installing and upgrading SAP Sybase IQ, see the Installation and Configuration Guide.

CR# Description
  • Drop Servers of Type asejdbc Before Migrating SAP Sybase IQ 12.7 Databases to SAP Sybase IQ 16.0 – The asejdbc server class is deprecated. Servers of type asejdbc must be dropped prior to running iqunload. SAP Sybase IQ 12.7 databases with remote server definitions based on the asejdbc driver will not have these definitions migrated to by the iqunload tool and will not give an error at the beginning of an unload saying that you need to drop any asejdbc servers (if there are any present).
  • Drop all JOIN and all LD indexes. On multiplex, drop all logical servers named AUTO, COORDINATOR, ALL or DEFAULT – If you do not drop these objects and try to run an ALTER DATABASE UPGRADE in SAP Sybase IQ 16.0, the upgrade fails and the server returns a message that indicates that a database upgrade is not possible when these objects are in use.
  • Recovery Infomation – To recover from a failed upgrade, shutdown the 16.0 server, open the database with SAP Sybase IQ 15.x, and drop all LD and all JOIN indexes as well as any named logical servers before proceeding with the migration.
  • Cannot Enable Row-level Versioning in Upgraded Database – If you upgrade a database from 15.x to 16.0, you cannot enable row-level versioning (using the ALTER TABLE statement), or perform LOAD, INSERT or UPDATE statements on any IQ base table containing a CHAR, VARCHAR or VARBINARY column of width greater than 255. If your upgraded database contains a table having a column with these criteria, run the sp_iqrebuildindex procedure. After you run this procedure, you can enable row-level versioning and perform DML statements on these large-column tables.