IQ Plug-in Sybase Central Online Help Documentation Changes

Read about updates, corrections, and clarifications to released documentation for the Sybase Central online help for Sybase IQ.

Sybase Central Online Help updates
CR# Description
  • IQ Agent RMI authentication layer – An authentication layer has been implemented between Sybase Central IQ Client and Sybase Central IQ Agent, which allows only authenticated clients to access Agent's Remote Method Invocation (RMI) methods.
  • New text – Sybase Central help topics will be updated to accommodate the following behavior changes:
    • Open Agent properties and enter Agent username and password, if you are performing an operation that requires communication with the IQ Agent.
    • A text box is included for the agent user name and password in all the property and wizard pages that require the IQ Agent port number.
    • The default agent user name and password are dba/sql or DBA/sql.
    • The agent user names and encrypted passwords are saved in a flat file named passfile. This file is located in $IQDIR15/java/ and is generated by the installer at install time. Passwords are encrypted using a one way hash.
    • Only one user name and encrypted password mapping is stored in each line in passfile.
    • Use a text editor to manually add, remove or change the agent user name and encrypted password in passfile.
    • Generate an encrypted password using the utility $IQDIR15/bin64/
    • Print the corresponding encrypted or hash value by passing a plain-text password as a command line argument:
      $ passhash sql
      $ Hash: jbbuisadgsuiadgbasjkd89237yer8yhqwuiofh8923sdf890uy230
    • Copy and paste the Hash value against the user name in passfile in this format:
    • Move passfile to another location by changing the absolute path in the login.config file, which is located in $IQDIR15/java/. This path should contain a forward slash "/" as a path separator.