Query restrictions

By default, Sybase IQ cursors are scrollable, meaning that Sybase IQ keeps all the query results in a buffer so that you can scroll backwards. If the query returns very large numbers (millions) of rows of output, you can improve performance by issuing this command before running the query:

SET TEMPORARY OPTION Force_No_Scroll_Cursors = 'ON'

Some front-end applications make use of scrolling cursor operations, however, and require this option to be set OFF. If a front-end tool or an application requires scrolling, but this option is set ON, then you will see error messages like "When Force_No_Scroll_Cursors = 'ON' scrolling cursor operations are not supported."

If scrolling cursors are never used in your application, you should make this option a permanent public option. It will reduce memory usage and make a modest improvement in query performance.