Reference: Building Blocks, Tables, and Procedures Documentation Changes

Read about updates to Reference: Building Blocks, Tables, and Procedures.

These changes affect SQL Functions.

SQL Functions
Topic Section Correction
LOCATE Function [String]


The topic incorrectly states that if you give a long string as the second argument, the function returns a NULL value. The topic should read:

The first string can be a long string (longer than 255 bytes), but the second is limited to 255 bytes.

These changes affect Physical Limitations.

Physical Limitations
Topic Section Correction
Physical Limitations

Dbfile size

The topic incorrectly states that raw devices have a maximum size of 4 TB. There is no such limit for raw devices. The topic should read:

File system device: Maximum size is 4 TB

Operating system file: Maximum size supported by the operating system

These changes affect System Views.

SYSUSER system view
Topic Section Correction
Alphabetical List of System Views Column Name

lock_time is incorrectly listed as a column on the SYSUSER system view.