Correction in xa_bqual example

Example 1 in the reference pages for the xa_bqual built-in function shows an incorrect binary translation. Replace the example with the following.

Example 1 Returns “0x227f06ca80”, the binary translation of the branch qualifier for the Adaptive Server Enterprise transaction ID “0000000A_IphIT596iC7bF2#AUfkzaM_8DY6OE0”. The Adaptive Server Enterprise transaction ID is first obtained using sp_transactions:

1> sp_transactions
xactkey                        type        coordinator starttime
state             connection dbid   spid  loid
failover                   srvname                        namelen
------------------------------ ----------- -----------
----------------- ---------- ------ ------ -----------
-------------------------- ------------------------------ -------
0x531600000600000017e4885b0700 External    XA          Dec 9 2005 5:15PM
In Command        Attached      7    20    877
Resident Tx                NULL                           39

1> select xa_bqual("0000000A_IphIT596iC7bF2#AUfkzaM_8DY6OE0", 0)
2> go