Correction to example in curunreservedpgs

Example 1 for the function curunreservedpgs includes the following erroneous select syntax:

select db_name(dbid),,
    curunreservedpgs(dbid, lstart, unreservedpgs)
    from sysusages u, sysdevices d
    where d.low <= u.size + vstart
      and d.high >= u.size + vstart -1
      and d.status &2 = 2

Replace Example 1 in its entirety with the following text:

Example 1 Returns the database name, device name, and the number of unreserved pages for each device fragment

If a database is open, curunreservedpgs takes the value from memory. If it is not in use, the value is taken from the third parameter you specify in curunreservedpgs. In this example, the value comes from the unreservedpgs column in the sysusages table.

select db_name(dbid),,
    curunreservedpgs(dbid, lstart, unreservedpgs)
    from sysusages u, sysdevices d
where u.vdevno=d.vdevno
and d.status &2 = 2
 ------------------------------ -------------------------- -----------
master                          master                            1634
tempdb                          master                             423
model                           master                             423
pubs2                           master                              72
sybsystemdb                     master                             399
sybsystemprocs                  master                            6577
sybsyntax                       master                             359

(7 rows affected)