Sybase Control Center 3.2.7 for SAP Sybase IQ plug-in help

Read about updates to plug-in help for Sybase Control Center 3.2.7 for SAP Sybase IQ.

These changes affect Creating an Alert.

SAP Sybase IQ Alerts
Section Correction

Dbspace size

Dbspace file size

Dbspace percent available

Dbspace file percent available

Dbspace size*

Dbspace file size*

Dbspace percent available*

Dbspace file percent available*

*Do not configure dbspace alerts on secondary nodes in a multiplex--they do not work. Only the coordinator node can gather statistics for dbspaces and fire dbspace alerts.

Multiplex Connection Disallowed by Login Policy

This new sub-section was added to Troubleshoot Sybase Control Center for SAP Sybase IQ. This information was omitted from the online help for Sybase Control Center for SAP Sybase IQ but is included in the help on the Product Documentation Web site.

If your login cannot access all nodes, authentication returns the security error Connection disallowed by login policy for this user.

To address this issue, use a login account with access to the SERVER logical server to authenticate a multiplex resource. Connection using the SERVER logical server context requires the ACCESS SERVER LS system privilege.