Known Issues for All Database Targets

Learn about known issues and workarounds for Replication Agent that are not specific to a particular environment or data server type.

Issues for All Database Targets
CR# Description

When you execute the quiesce command while Replication Agent is restoring a connection to SAP Replication Server, the command waits forever.

Workaround: Execute the suspend command instead of quiesce.


Replication Agent initialization may fail when tables are automatically marked for replication.

The pdb_xlog init command may fail when pdb_automark_tables is set to true.

Workaround: Set the pdb_automark_tables to false before you issue pdb_xlog init. You can set pdb_automark_tables to true after Replication Agent has been initialized.


Limitation of running Replication Agent as a Windows service on a Microsoft Windows 64-bit platform.

Currently, you cannot use the Microsoft Windows Services utility to start, stop, remove, or install a Microsoft Windows service instance of Replication Agent.

Workaround: Use agt_service.bat to start, stop, remove, or install a Replication Agent instance.