Installing Static Licenses for ECDA in RSO and RSHE

Install the static SySAM license files to use ECDA in Replication Server Option for Microsoft SQL Server and IBM DB2 UDB, and ECDA in RSHE.

  1. Stop the ECDA instance if it is running.
  2. Copy the ECDA static license file to:
    • $SYBASE/SYSAM-2_0/licenses (UNIX or Linux)

    • %SYBASE%\SYSAM-2_0\licenses (Windows)

    where $SYBASE or %SYBASE% is where you installed ECDA.

  3. Restart the ECDA instance.
  4. Check the ECDA instance log file to verify that the ECDA instance has started successfully:
    • $SYBASE/DC-15_0/servers/<servername>/log/<servername>.log (UNIX or Linux)

    • %SYBASE%\DC-15_0\servers\<servername>\log\<servername>.log (Windows)

    where $SYBASE or %SYBASE% is where you installed ECDA.