Known Issues for IBM DB2 UDB

Learn about known issues and workarounds for Replication Agent that are specific to IBM DB2 Universal Database (UDB).

Replication Agent for IBM DB2 UDB Issues
CR# Description

Misleading error messages in the error log when connecting to an IBM DB2 database.

When Replication Agent starts, you may see in the error log error messages such as:
Connection type UDBJDBC requires that a user name be configured.
If you set pds_username before other connectivity settings such as pds_host_name, Replication Agent produces the error messages on its initial atrempt to connect to the primary database. The errors do not affect the running of the Replication Agent.

Workaround: You can ignore the error messages.


Direct load materialization is not supported between tables with different names.

Replication Server direct load materialization is not supported for replication definitions in which the primary table has been marked for replication with a replicate table name that is different than the primary table name.

Workaround: None.


Replication Agent for UDB now recommends using the IBM DB2 Universal Database JDBC driver for database connectivity.

Workaround: Change the pds_connection_type value to UDBJDBC.
Note: Upgrade from an earlier release to 15.7.1 automatically changes the connection type to UDBJDBC.