Security Built-in Function Permissions

The documentation regarding permissions for several built-in functions is incomplete.

Functions Permissions
asehostname With granular permissions enabled, you must be granted select on asehostname or have manage server permission to execute asehostname.

With granular permissions disabled, you must be granted select on asehostname or be a user with sa_role to execute asehostname.

migrate_instance_id Any user can execute migrate_instance_id.
show_cached_text With granular permissions enabled, you must be a user with mon_role, or have monitor qp performance permission to execute show_cached_text.

With granular permissions disabled, you must be a user with mon_role or sa_role to execute show_cached_text.

show_cached_text_long With granular permissions enabled, you must be a user with mon_role, or have monitor qp performance permission to execute show_cached_text_long.

With granular permissions disabled, you must be a user with mon_role or sa_role to execute show_cached_text_long.

show_plan With granular permissions enabled, you must be a user with monitor qp performance permission to execute show_plan.

With granular permissions disabled, you must be a user with sa_role to execute show_plan.

user_id Any user can execute user_id.
workload_metric With granular permissions enabled, you must have manage cluster permission or be a user with ha_role to execute workload_metric.

With granular permissions disabled, you must be a user with sa_role or ha_role to execute workload_metric.