Configure Adaptive Server for Clients Using EPEP Algorithm

You can use sp_configure to configure an Adaptive Server to require the Extended Plus Encrypted Password (EPEP) login protocol.

The sp_configure parameter net password encryption reqd supports a value of 3, which indicates the server should only allow incoming clients that are using EPEP login protocol. The values 0, 1, and 2 also allow EPEP login protocol to be used when a client that supports the login protocol attempts to use it with an Adaptive Server that implements the EPEP login protocol.

Setting the value to 2 or 3 increases network memory to support the maximum configured connections using this protocol. The additional network memory configuration parameter dynamically adds more memory to the network memory pool used by EPEP. When the value is set to 3, the KPP Handler goes into sleep status, because there is no need to provide new RSA key pair for every connection. You can use the sp_who command to check the KPP Handler status.

Note: Adaptive Server supports two versions of the login protocol using RSA asymmetric encryption. See "Securing login passwords on the network" in the Security Administration Guide.