Known Issues for Adaptive Server

Learn about known issues and apply workarounds for Adaptive Server. Known issues are listed in descending order of Change Request (CR) numbers.

Sybase does not include system problem reports (SPRs) and closed problem reports (CPRs) with Adaptive Server Enterprise. You can search the Web site for solved cases. Click Support > Services > Solved Cases.

CR #Description

The load database … with listonly=load_sql command may generate load commands which, if executed, may require manually altering the target database for the load to succeed.

This issue can occur in cases where an alter database off command was run on the source database.

Workaround: Manually alter the target database.


The show_condensed_text function returns a NULL value for queries in the statement cache when the enable literal autoparam configuration parameter is enabled.

Workaround: Do not use the show_condensed_text function when enable literal autoparam is enabled.


A cumulative dump cannot be used as a meta-data file for the sybdumptran utility.

Workaround: None.


load database with verify does not support automatic physical database rearrangement.

If load database with verify is executed, the automatic remapping between the source and target database to ensure that the data segment is on data devices and the log segment is on log devices is not performed. This may result in the behaviour of releases prior to 15.7 SP100, which is the data segment may be mapped to log devices and the log segment may be mapped to data devices in the target database.

Workaround: Sybase recommends that you use the dump database with verify command to verify the database.


Redirect of connection fails.

If a client is running on UNIX and connecting to a Windows HADR server, there may be a problem if the Adaptive Server interface is defined using the NLWNSCK protocol type, as this protocol type is not recognised by UNIX clients. In the event of HADR redirection, the Adaptive Server Windows server will return the NLWNSCK protocol type to the UNIX client which will reject it.

Workaround: Use protocol type tcp for both client and server, as this protocol is recognized by both Windows and UNIX.

Errors are raised using the Windows Cluster Administrator for a high availability system.

When attempting to launch SybCpnSrvSetup.msc, a bad file format error message is raised with a stack trace and subsequent unloading of the DLL.

Workaround: Use the command line utility, sp_companion for cluster configuration in a high availability system.

In some Cluster Edition configurations, Adaptive Server 624 and 69x errors may occur during database replication of a database or replication of tables within a database.

In active-active or active-passive cluster configurations, you can configure RepAgent to run on only one node of the cluster. In rare circumstances, when RepAgent reads an older image of database log pages that is on disk while the latest image is on another node, you may see Adaptive Server 624 and 69x errors.

Workaround: Sybase recommends that for:

  • Active-passive configuration – run RepAgent on the active node to ensure that data and log pages are on the same node as RepAgent.
  • Active-active configuration – start Adaptive Server with the 16872 trace flag to prevent log page corruption and 69x errors. However, using this flag degrades the server performance.
Confidentiality service causes error.

This message is reported by Open Client applications connecting to Adaptive Server Enterprise:

ct_send(): network packet layer: internal Client Library error: State error: trying to write when connection is expecting a read.

This message is reported in some cases when Kerberos message confidentiality service is turned on.

Workaround: Reconnect to the server with confidentiality service turned off.

sybmail configuration fails.

You see: Sybmail CMC Error: There was a generic failure that does not fit the description of any other return code.

The configuration cannot be completed as documented in the Configuration Guide because the Messaging Application Programming Interface (MAPI) used by sybmail has been removed from current versions of Windows.

Workaround: None.

The select for update semantics introduced in version 15.7 do not support datapages-locked tables.

select for update support exists only for datarows-locked pages.


An error is raised when renaming a read only database

Error (3906) can occur when executing sp_renamedb on a database that has 'read only' status. Also, when attempting to turn off the 'read only' status on a database that you have attempted to rename, error 3501 is raised.

Workaround: Execute sp_renamedb stored procedure from master database context as follows:

use master   
sp_renamedb <dbname>, 
There are two known issues with transfer table:
  • When creating a unique index that is using the ignore_dup_key property, importing a row with a key that is already present in the table leads to an error, and the import is aborted. This differs from when a duplicate key is inserted with bcp or with a regular insert statement, since in those cases, the row is discarded, and the transaction continues.
  • When an insert trigger exists, the trigger is not fired when data is inserted through transfer table...from.

Workaround: None.

Cannot access help from syconfig in Windows 2008.

When you click Help in syconfig, you see an error message that online help cannot be shown.

Workaround: Download the WinHlp32.exe file from Microsoft. See the Microsoft Support site at

Adaptive Server may stop responding during start-up.

If you are using the in-memory database or relaxed-durability database feature, Adaptive Server may run into a timeslice error during start-up if it cannot access the license server as it starts.

Workaround: Make sure Adaptive Server can access the license server.

SySAM2 enabled products incorrectly determine the number of cores and chips on quad-core processors.

This may be as a result of your Adaptive Server small business edition or chip license not being activated and having gone into a grace period.

Workaround: Remove this line from your SySAM properties file, if it exists:
If the problem still remains, set the following environment variable, then run the products:
If the problem still remains, please contact Sybase Technical Support.
Running syconfig during upgrade may not execute.

If you install a new version of Adaptive Server in a different directory than the existing installation directory, the length of the path environment variable may exceed the maximum permissible length. As a result, syconfig may not be able to execute preupgrade during the upgrade process.

Workaround: Remove unwanted directories from the path and make sure new Adaptive Server installation directories are included in the path.