Viewing Statistics for Streams on a Node

Monitor the performance of streams on a selected ESP node by viewing statistics such as CPU history and number of rows processed.

  1. In the Perspective Resources window, select the node, click the arrow, and select Monitor Node.
  2. In the left pane of the ESP Node Monitor view, select Streams.
    Table Name Stream Details

    This is the header table containing all streams within the selected ESP node.

    Workspace - name of workspace on which the stream is running.

    Project - name of project to which the stream is attached.

    Stream - name of stream attached to the project running on the node.

    Queue Depth - the number of rows waiting to be processed.

    Rows In Store - the current number of records in the stream's store.

    These statistics display for the stream you select in the header table:

    Statistics Description

    Rows Transferred History

    A line graph displaying the number of rows processed per second.

    CPU History

    A line graph displaying the percentage of total CPU usage over time.

    The data on the graph starts displaying from the time you open the ESP Node Monitor view.

Related tasks
Viewing Statistics for Streams on a Cluster