Authenticating a Login Account for a Managed Resource

Specify the login account and password Sybase Control Center will use when it connects to your server or agent to collect monitoring data or manage the resource.

Perform this task for each resource registered with Sybase Control Center.

Note: You can also authenticate a server during administrative tasks like creating an alert or a collection job.
  1. Connect a browser to Sybase Control Center and log in.
  2. If the Perspective Resources view is not open, click the Show/Hide Perspective Resources View icon in the toolbar.
  3. In the Perspective Resources view, select your resource and select Resource > Authenticate from the view menu.
  4. Select Use my current SCC login or Specify different credentials.
  5. If you chose Specify different credentials, enter the login and password for Sybase Control Center to use to connect to your resource.
  6. If the selected resource is a Replication Server, also enter the RSSD user name and password.
  7. Click OK to save and exit the dialog.