Event Stream Processor Alerts

Alerts that you can use for the Event Stream Processor Server.

The alerts are based on the same key performance indicators (KPIs) that are collected for the node level monitor displays, and for the Statistics Chart.

Note: To configure alerts for an ESP cluster, register each node for which you want to set alerts and add the node to a perspective. Then set up alerts for each node using the Resource Properties view (select a server in the Perspective Resources view and select Resource > Properties > Alerts
ESP Node Alerts
Alert Description Alert Type
ESP Node Availability Indicates the availability of an ESP node. State
Total CPU Availability The sum of total CPU usage, since the last update, of all projects which are running on the node.

This alert is the same as the Total CPU Availability alert for ESP Overview.


ESP Overview Alerts
Alert Description Alert Type
Total CPU Availability

The sum of total CPU usage, since the last update, of all projects which are running on the node.

This alert is the same as the Total CPU Availability alert for the ESP node.


Total System CPU Availability The sum of total system (kernel on Windows) CPU usage, since the last update, of all projects which are running on the node.


Total User CPU Availability The sum of total user CPU usage, since the last update, of all projects which are running on the node.


Physical Memory Availability The sum of physical memory usage, since the last update, of all projects which are running on the node.


Virtual Memory Availability The sum of virtual memory usage, since the last update, of all projects which are running on the node.


Total Threads The sum of the thread number, since the last update, of all projects which are running on the node.


Publisher Connections The total number of publishers running on the node.


Rows Received per Second The total number of rows input into the projects running on the node, per second.


Rows Sent per Second Total number of rows output from the projects running on the node, per second.


Subscriber Connections The total number of subscribers running on the node.


Total Connections The total number of connections on the node, including publishers and subscribers.


Project Alerts
Alert Description Alert Type
Total CPU Availability The total CPU usage of the project since the last update.


Total System CPU Availability The total system CPU usage for the project since the last update.


Total User CPU Availability The total user CPU usage for the project since the last update.


Physical Memory Availability The physical memory usage for the project since the last update.


Virtual Memory Availability The virtual memory usage for the project since the last update.


Total Threads The thread number for the project since the last update.


Publisher Rows Transferred Number of rows input into the project per second.


Subscriber Rows Transferred Number of rows output from the project per second.


Publisher Connections Number of connections through which publishers are running.


Subscriber Connections Number of connections through which subscribers are running.


Total Connections The total number of connections on the project, including publishers and subscribers.


Stream Alerts
Alert Description Alert Type
Total CPU Availability The total CPU usage of the stream since the last update.


Total System CPU Availability The total system CPU usage for the stream since the last update.


Total User CPU Availability The total user CPU usage for the stream since the last update.


Rows per Sec Number of rows processed by the stream, in a second, since the last update.


Stream Depth Queued Number of rows waiting to be processed.


Stream Rows Stored The current number of records in the stream's store.


Gateway Connection Alerts
Alert Description Alert Type
Rows Sent per Sec The gateway client connection performance. This is measured by the amount of data rows sent by the client, per second, since the last update.


Rows Received per Sec The gateway client's performance. This is measured by the amount of data rows received by the client, per second, since the last update.


Publisher Alerts
Alert Description Alert Type
Total CPU Availability The total CPU usage by the publisher's gateway thread.


Total System CPU Availability The total system CPU usage by the publisher's gateway thread.


Total User CPU Availability The total user CPU usage by the publisher's gateway thread.


Rows Sent per Sec The number of data rows the client sent, per second, since the last update.


Subscriber Alerts
Alert Description Alert Type
Total CPU Availability The total CPU usage by the subscriber's gateway thread.


Total System CPU Availability The total system CPU usage by the subscriber's gateway thread.


Total User CPU Availability The total user CPU usage by the subscriber's gateway thread.


Stream Depth Queued Number of rows waiting to be processed.


Stream Rows Stored The current number of records in the stream's store.


Rows Received per Sec The number of data rows the client received, per second, since the last update.


Adapter Alerts
Alert Description Alert Type
Adapter Bad Rows Number of bad rows in the adapter.


Adapter Latency Time it takes for the adapter to process data.


Related concepts
Alert-Triggered Scripts
Related tasks
Viewing Overview Statistics and Alerts for a Node
Viewing Overview Statistics and Alerts for a Cluster
Related reference
Alert Types and Severities for Event Stream Processor
Alert-Triggered Script Examples
Substitution Parameters for Scripts