Keyboard Shortcuts

Frequently used key sequences for the Sybase Control Center Web interface.

Key Sequence Action
Ctrl-Alt-F12 Pull down the first menu in the topmost view or in the SCC menu bar. Repeat to toggle between the two first menus.
Ctrl-Alt-Shift-F12 Pull down the first menu (Application) in the SCC menu bar.
Space Select the highlighted option—equivalent to clicking the mouse.
  • Release a drop-down menu
  • Exit an editable cell or field
  • Close a window
Arrow keys
  • Highlight the next list item or menu option in the indicated direction. For example, the down arrow highlights the next item down in a menu; the right arrow highlights an item in the menu to the right.
  • In a tree hierarchy, the right arrow expands a node; the left arrow collapses it.
  • In a view, highlight the next item in the tab order. (Tab order progresses through the accessible fields in a left-to-right, top-to-bottom fashion, starting at the upper left.)
  • In a two-pane view, jump from the tree hierarchy in the left pane to the right pane.
  • In a view that includes a table or grid display, press Tab twice to highlight the table, then press the down-arrow to enter it.
  • In a view, highlight the previous item in the tab order.
  • In a two-pane view, jump from the right pane back to the tree hierarchy in the left pane.
Home Highlight the first item in the active view (or the active section of a view), for example the first row in a table.
End Highlight the last item in the active view (or the active section of a view), for example the last row in a table.
In the SCC menu bar, View > Select > <your view> Select an open view and bring it to the front.
Ctrl-Alt Arrow key Move the selected view in the indicated direction.
Ctrl-Alt + Increase the size of displayed text.
Ctrl-Alt - Decrease the size of displayed text.
F11 Enable or disable the browser’s full-screen mode.
In the SCC menu bar, Application > Display > Full Screen Enable or disable Sybase Control Center’s full-screen mode.

Sybase Control Center is built on Adobe Flex. For complete information about Adobe Flex keyboard shortcuts, see